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I saw this coin bank at an antique store. Why it caught my eye was
the orignal packaging it was in. I know for a fact that these coin
banks are not rare, but one inside the original packaging is. I do
not collect these personally but bought it anyway for resale here.

The staples appear to be orignal because I cannot see any other
staple holes. It seems there should be a twist tie around the bank
inside the plastic because there is two small holes in the cardboard.
But it appears it was never used. I really do not see any indentations
in the cardboard where it would have been a metal tie around it.
I would expect to see some dents from it.

The card board is in great shape but there is a gentle bend in the middle.
The bottom of the cardboard piece, the corners, have some slight
indentations. (Sorta like what happens to a baseball card without
proper handling). No price has ever been marked on it and there is
no writing i could find.

On the bank itself it says "be thrifty, save a dime daily".
The pictures should allow you to read the packaging.


The next dime bank is a mass produced toy for kids. I have seen
them in many many variations. Popeye is one example, LUCKY is
another, prince valiant, etc.. Everyone I have seen has some slight
variation. Some have wood grain some do not. etc..

This bank works fine. I just tested it with a roll of mercury dimes.
Quite a neat toy that would allow you to save silver dimes and know
when it is time to roll them up! :-)

I can see on the front, bottom left hand corner a price tag sticker
residue that one can see in the right angle of light. I do not want
to try to clean it. The pics should allow you to read the front.

The back says "LUCKY" and then at the bottom "DIME REGISTER
BANK". And in very small words below that "patent pend".

The back of these coin banks were often struck and look like mush.
This one has quite a bit more detail then others I have seen. You
can clearly see the windows on each side of the pillairs.


I am asking 25 dollars for both with free shipping.
Of course I will entertain any offers. They would make a great
gift for a child or for yourself. Christmas is coming up.
I challenge you to find a dime bank with the original packaging!
The other dime bank is just plain fun for anyone!


  • librtyheadlibrtyhead Posts: 1,116 ✭✭✭
    I have to say fc is a very cool guy. came to my work and delivered the coin banks.
    My 4 year old is having a great time sticking dimes in.
    Also very knowlegable on half eagles...............Thanks Matt............image
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