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Great deals from major auctions?

Does anyone ever put in ridiculously low bids in major auctions (i.e REA, Madec, Mastro etc.) and end up winning? Has anyone ever won a high grade HOF'er for its minimum bid in one of these auctions? I'm thinking of bidding for the 1st time in the Madec auction of 11/20 and wonder what my chances are without bidding near SMR.


  • I don't know about "great deals", but I have picked up a few PSA 9 HOFers for well below SMR in a couple different "major" auctions. You'll need to go a bit higher than the opening bid though. Although you never know what can happen in an auction.
    #10 PSA Set for Topps Baseball currently on eBay under seller deeppurple1.
  • Thanks
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