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I'm starting to see why sellers leave feedback last

Here's my scenario. A buyer from Canada (I can't use Delivery Confirmation) buys a card from me in my store. I mailed it. A week later he buys another card. I mailed that one. Then I get this email:

"I receive the garbage pail kid psa.How ever, I bought the other card a week
before that and haven't received it.Please reply"

The SAME day, before I got a chance to read that email, I get another email from him:

"card not recieved..please email us.i might give u two negitives,just doesn't add up.
we got the second graded card,wheres the first.i want a refund for all the troubles.it can be sent
man u wasted my time."

So bascially he threatened to leave me a negative feedback on a card that he admittedly received and a negative on a card that the post office lost. So here's my reply:

"Hello, the card was mailed a long time ago. I will refund you
the amount for the card if you didn't receive it but I fail to see how
I wasted your time if the Post Office loses a package. Your tone is a
little harsh considering you didn't even wait 1 day for me to respond
from your last email stating that you didn't receive it."

I issued a refund for the post offices mistake and then here's his response (apparently he didn't bother to check to see if he got a refund before emailing back):

"I didn't receive the first card or it would be under dwarptoys.I got the second just the other day.Pretty
funny how the first card didn't get hear hey.I want a full refund for the first card.($9.50US dollars)This is
scamming and it wouldn't look good in your feedbacks,customers alway right.My tone is fine,nothing was said."

So now I'm apparently being accused of trying to rip him off over a $7 sale when my feedback is over 2000. So here's my response:

"Hello, My feedback is over 2000 and is flawless. In the past month, I've done about $7000 in sales on Ebay. Do you really think for one minute that I would waste my time and my feedback to "scam" somebody out of a $7 card? That's crazy. I don't appriciate getting accused of that either. By the way, the customer is not always right. The post office messed up, not me. I only refunded the money because that's the way I conduct business."

Here's the last email I got from them:

"I will buy from u guys in the future,no problem.How
about I leave one of your positives and u leave both
with everthing being positive.I'll send your second
one after.It's only $9.50US big deal.I just want to make
sure theres no negitives on either end.U can trust,I'll send
the first one.Just confirm that u will send two to my one
and then I'll send the last one.All being positive."

They apparently didn't bother checking they're own feedback because I already left 2 positives a long time ago.

Here's my final response:
"Hello, honestly after being accused of being a scam artist over $7, I'd
rather we don't do business in the future."

So now I get to sit and wait to see if I get 2 unwarranted negatives. I wouldn't leave a retaliation negative anyways because that is unethical no matter how big a jerk somebody is. I won't stoop to that level. But it's just really funny how people's mood changes when they think that a seller might retaliate a negative against them.

I can see why many sellers make it a standard policy to leave feedback second because of idiotic buyers. Leaving postives first just gives the buyer the right to be a jerk. I guess the transaction really isn't complete until the buyer receives the item and is satisfied. A buyer could just go around ebay doing this to sellers and nobody would know because sellers keep leaving feedback first.

I used to think it was kinda shady for a seller to leave feedback second but I now have a new understanding of this.


  • shagrotn77shagrotn77 Posts: 5,617 ✭✭✭✭
    At some point you just have to cut bait. There are a lot of crazy/stupid people in this world, and unfortunately a lot of them are on eBay. These people can NOT be reasoned with. Don't even waste your time. I'd give this psycho buyer a double negative, block him from future sales and close the book on the situation.
    "My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Sometimes he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. Our childhood was typical. Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When we were insolent we were placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds - pretty standard really."
  • ElemenopeoElemenopeo Posts: 2,577 ✭✭

    I agree. I wouldn't sweat any negative (and likely misspelled) feedback this guy leaves. If you do enough business on eBay, you're eventually going to run into a few morons, and I think most people looking at your feedback will understand that.
  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    Boy it does not take much to get people's feathers ruffled. All the problems you caused him?? Make sure he can not bid on your stuff again!!
  • WabittwaxWabittwax Posts: 1,984 ✭✭✭
    Yeah, adding him to my blocked bidders list is the first thing I did. Now I have a total of 2 people on that list.
  • twileytwiley Posts: 1,923
    no worries I know you are a good seller image

    I am sure I am not the only that thinks the whole feedback system is flawed and basically ignore it.

    I have had a simlar experience where I was given bad feedback for a card that got lost in the USPS. Its still MIA according to the tracking #. Now how is that my fault as a seller that the USPS lost the card???? USPS should get the bad feedback not me. Like I said its super flawed.....
  • WW - ive bought from u several times on ebay and each and every time was a top notch transaction - sorry to hear u ran into a hassle with this buyer - you should be proud of ur business ethics and practices and it reflex well on u and the way u do business
    1990 leaf in (10)
    1986 topps mets (10)
    2008 ring kings cut signatures
    any Darryl Strawberry, Dwight Gooden, Keith Hernandez cards in (10)
  • Carew29Carew29 Posts: 4,025 ✭✭

    Please provide ebay id of this schmuck so i can add it to my list.
  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭
    I got my first negative from a guy last year who said that I never sent a card to him. When I emailed him asking why he didn't contact me if he believed there was a problem rather than just hitting the negative he told me to "grow up".

    I then took the cert number for the card that he said he never received and tried to "add" it to my registry set, but was getting the message stating that it was already registered in someone elses set. I tried to add it 3 seperate times. Then... I get an email from the same guy asking who am I and why am I trying to hijack a card from his set???

    There are just some real a-holes out there. That is what blocked bidder was designed for...

    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • Sigh it is amazing how some people act out there. image
  • jradke4jradke4 Posts: 3,573 ✭✭✭
    yeah I have seen why too.

    so they can threaten you about leaving them negative feedback when they never send the items. respond to one email saying they will check into it. never hear from them when you file a paypal claim or esclate it. you only hear back when you leave negative feedback since you never got the item and had to file a claim for a refund. then they have the nerve to email you asking that you remove your feedback. then when you dont the neg you though you paid in under a day, emailed them about the item before filing a claim and waited to escalte the claim.

    you complain to ebay and they say the only way to remove it is for both parties to agree to remove each others feedback. what a scam the whole feedback system is.
    Packers Fan for Life
    Brett Favre Master Set
    Favre Ticket Stubs
    Favre TD Reciever Autos
    Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
    Football HOF Rc's
  • yankeeno7yankeeno7 Posts: 9,251 ✭✭✭
    I know there are a lot of different opinions on this but I am one of those who feel the buyer should leave the first postitive feedback. A buyers feedback completes the transaction to say "Yeah, I got the item and Im happy." At that time its a "go" for the seller to leave his. Otherwise, a seller leaves immediate feedback first and then there is someone to use feedback as their negotiating tool and opportunity to scam, basically holding the feedback hostage.

    For the record, I am a MUCH larger buyer than I am a seller. I dont sell too often. I always leave feedback when the transaction is complete and never expect the seller to give it first.

    I have also bought from Steve on several occassions. Transactions couldnt be more easy.
  • gaspipe26gaspipe26 Posts: 1,614 ✭✭✭
    Wabbit, whos the guy so I can block him too.
  • how do you know he didn't get first card , anyone who tries to use the threat of negative feedback to resolve a problem needs to be on your blocked bidder list.
    Collector of 71 Kelloggs Football and Unitas cards.
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kudos for basically biting your tongue. I would have flat out told the guy to go F- himself.
  • cardbendercardbender Posts: 1,831 ✭✭
    Great feedback system ebay has in place.

    Steve did nothing wrong and now he might get drilled for a lost package. Nice.

    I'm like Steve, I usually post FB right after the sale. However after hearing stories like this, I might have to change that policy.

    My blocked bidder list is over 150 presently.

    On ebay, 97% of the buyers are great, 2% are problems,
    and 1% should be riding the short bus.
  • I had a similar situation. The only difference was the amount of money involved. I sold one card for over $1050 and another to the same buyer for $250 both PSA 10s. He was happy with the second but claimed the first was tampered with (which was ridiculous). He filed a paypal claim and I responded to the claim. Paypal then asks him for more information and he didn't respond. I win the claim obviously but in the meantime he leaves two negative feedbacks. Feedback was 100% positive until this idiot. I had stopped leaving feedback first after some stories on the boards just like this. So I left him two negatives as well. I didn't hear anything else out of him until the other day when he requested my contact information. He still hasn't called me though. I did notice he was buying and bidding on hunting equipment lately. Maybe he's going to hunt me down and kill me. So if you guys don't see me around for a while you know what happened. image
  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    I see where this guy has a beef with you.

    Out of all the cards Ive purchased from you off ebay not ONCE did the card arrive the same day I paid. Not ONCE did you deliver my card with a full page, hand signed letter of appreciation for the business I gave you. Not ONCE did you give me an extra card just for $hits and giggles, and NOT ONCE did you offer to refund my money because it would have been a generous thing to do despite the card having arrived safely and promptly.

    Geez, Im checking right now to see if I forgot to leave you any feedback and make certain I pile on the negs. image
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • Wabitt,

    I do alot of buying and selling on Ebay. I have over 800 feedback at 100%. When I sell my items and the buyer pays me within a day or so (paypal) I will leave him good feedback and thanking that buyer for the fast payment and I get the same in return when the item is delivered to the buyer. Some buyers might be nit-picky about the little things but still they will leave me good feedback regardless. I do have delivery confirmations on all of my items that I sell and mail off. I had one case were I sold a few Ken Griffey Jr. PSA cards to a dealer in N.Y. about 3-4 weeks later he said that he doesn't recall getting the cards in the mail and wanted a refund. I emailed him back saying according to my delivery confirmation you have received the cards at such a date and time. He responded by saying...."OK, thanks" and I never heard from him again. Is it true that you can't use delivery confirmations when shipping items to Canada?

    You will come across some bad buyers and a few BS'ers. I have some winning bidders never paid for my items and blocked them for bidding on my auctions and have been reported to Ebay.

    1952 Topps Collector.

  • WabittwaxWabittwax Posts: 1,984 ✭✭✭
    Last time I checked, you couldn't put Delivery Confirmation on an international package. The post office might have changed it, I'm not sure. I don't know how they could track a package going to rural China (I've actually sent there before).

    The guys ebay name is dwarptoysandnonsportcards. I'm pretty sure most of you won't encounter him though because he was buying Garbage Pail Kids off of me. I don't think he deals in sports cards. Feel free to block him anyways, it's not somebody you would want to do business with.
  • FBFB Posts: 1,684 ✭✭

    I sent several cards to Canada a couple weeks back and my post office told me again that I couldn't Delivery Confirm. So, there is not really much more that you could do.

    Frank Bakka
    Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
    Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!

    outerbankyank on eBay!
  • ZSteve,
    You are too nice, I am with Perkdog, I would have told him to go F*&*&^K Himself. I have over 100 clowns in my Bolcked list and I am still at %100 positive largely due to the fact I Don't and Won't leave Feedback till after the Buyer or Seller does if I haven't dealt with them before. I have had a least a dozen try the old Feedback Extortion on me. Doesn't work if you still have the clout.
    Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    I agree, delivery to Canada can't be sent with del. comf. You can though send it express I think or soemthing like that but it starts at 20.00.

    Sorry that happened to you, my one and only transaction to Canada also went awry. I specifically state in my auctions I ship to USA only.

    Good for you.
  • goose3goose3 Posts: 11,471 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I agree, delivery to Canada can't be sent with del. comf. You can though send it express I think or soemthing like that but it starts at 20.00.

    Sorry that happened to you, my one and only transaction to Canada also went awry. I specifically state in my auctions I ship to USA only.

    Steve >>

    When I sell I state that also AND I set my preferences on ebay to block outsiders too.
  • Yeah, you know I'm shocked this kind of crap doesnt happen more often. It's so true that there are probably 1,000's of complete idiot buyers on ebay that cannot be reasoned with under any circumstances. What amazes me is that some sellers have achieved 1,000's of positives without a single negative. Eventually, you would think that the law of averages would catch up with them and they'd get a couple of bozos rating them poorly.
    Jim G
    All-time favorite athletes:
    Steve Sax, Steve Garvey, Larry Bird, Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, Andre Agassi, Karch Kiraly, Wayne Gretzky, Ichiro Suzuki, Andres Galarraga, Greg Maddux.
    "Make the world a better place... punch both A-Rods in the face (Alex Rodriguez and Andy Roddick)!"
  • Good day
    1250 Feedbacks with 100% positive so far, and I am sure the Bozo I won't be able to reason with is lurking around the corner. And on that note, in order to have the %100 positive I've had to do the old when the mouth smiles and says nice things while the Brain just wants to grab the Jack%$ss by the neck and choke the living Sh^%$T out of him on several occasions, in other words kiss ass.
    Actually Collect Non Sport, but am just so full of myself I post all over the place !!!!!!!

  • << <i>I sent several cards to Canada a couple weeks back and my post office told me again that I couldn't Delivery Confirm. So, there is not really much more that you could do. >>

    I've sent packages to Canada with a proof of shipment tag. I can't remember exactly what it's called but it cost less than a dollar and half the guys at my post office thought it was something I just made up myself. It might have been phased out though.
  • grote15grote15 Posts: 29,761 ✭✭✭✭✭
    DC to Canada is now available only through Global Express mail, which is cost prohibitive for anything under $100 at least. This guy is a dirtbag and a liar--I bet he got the other card, too, and knows you can't check it. Loser.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
  • TabeTabe Posts: 6,184 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>no worries I know you are a good seller image

    I am sure I am not the only that thinks the whole feedback system is flawed and basically ignore it.

    I have had a simlar experience where I was given bad feedback for a card that got lost in the USPS. Its still MIA according to the tracking #. Now how is that my fault as a seller that the USPS lost the card???? USPS should get the bad feedback not me. Like I said its super flawed..... >>

    Beause you hired the USPS as your shipping agent - that's how it works.

    Say you hired a contractor build you a house - and that contractor hired a subcontractor to build the roof. Say that subcontractor failed to build the roof. Who would you sue? The contractor or the subcontractor? The contractor - that's who your contract is with. Same as your example.

  • 19541954 Posts: 2,908 ✭✭✭
    I have had similiar issues with buyers threatening to leave negative feedback if I don't give them their money back for LOST???? mail. I can remember 5 different examples of this occuring and all five of them had bought a modern card. Some of the items were $5-20 and one was $300. My point is I think the people that try to pull this scam are of the younger age. Since most young collectors don't collect the vintage stuff the problem doesn't arise unless it really happened.

    Looking for high grade rookie cards and unopened boxes/cases
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