Any help here? For those that care, can we start a US Mint release/strategy/guess update thread?

Since I have found the Mint to be one of the most erratic entities I have ever dealt with (even more than my ex!) and knowing that many of you are "in the know", I was hoping to find a way to find out what the Mint "might" do (obviously the Mint is a GOV entity and is subject to the "S hitting the fan" syndrome) before I spend the rest of my kids college funds on over-minted or over-hyped mintages. I would surely appreciate it and I might image a few others here would certainly appreciate any help/advise on "what in the heck is the Mint up to today?" Or even this week, this month or frankly any ad hoc advice is welcome. I also think there is room here to even B***H about the insanity of the Mint, not that anyone would have one to post.