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Another awesome 3D reverse on a Papal Medal**Large Pic Warning**

Just wanted to share this great reverse with my friends here.

Looking at this you would think this was a great big part of the design of this medal.
Even the steps are detailed and in full relief.
Pulling back a bit you can see that this is just a piece of the larger design. Note the detail on the wall engravings in this "church"
Back a little further and you can see that this throne is set well back in the interior of the church. Note the detail on the pillars.
Looking up at the roof of the church you really get the sense that you are IN the church looking up at the detailed ceiling.
The detail on the pillars in amazing.
You get the feeling you could just step into the medal. The detail goes beyond the pillars to the walls behind.
The reverse in its entirety.

This is by the medalist Bianchi
Some coins are just plain "Interesting"


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