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Marcus Aurelius

Hi, I was considering looking for a coin produced during Marcus Aurelius' reign, as I have wanted one for a while-- perhaps a denarius. Does anyone happen to have any pictures of some of the nicer designs that can be found on the coins from that era? I am interested merely in obtaining a relatively attractive but afforable example. I know next to nothing about Roman coins, so I do not know what to look for. Thanks.


  • AethelredAethelred Posts: 9,288 ✭✭✭
    I have one or two listed on eBay right now.
    If you are in the Western North Carolina area, please consider visiting our coin shop:

    WNC Coins, LLC
    1987-C Hendersonville Road
    Asheville, NC 28803

  • EarendilEarendil Posts: 243 ✭✭
    Thank you. Roughly, how many different designs were produced during his reign?
  • AethelredAethelred Posts: 9,288 ✭✭✭
    Sear lists 427 different coins, but that does not count coins issued during his reign for members of his family. It also does not count Greek Imperial coins. I am also quite sure that there are many Roman Imperial types not listed by Sear.

    If I were to take a wild guess I would say there might be 2000-5000 different coin types in all.
    If you are in the Western North Carolina area, please consider visiting our coin shop:

    WNC Coins, LLC
    1987-C Hendersonville Road
    Asheville, NC 28803

  • SapyxSapyx Posts: 2,262 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Probably not too far off. If you want a general overview of the kinds of coins issued during his rule and don't have / can't borrow or access a book on the series, then try some of these reference sites:

    Marcus Aurelius coins on Wildwinds

    Marcus Aurelius denarii on CoinArchives (Dial-upper WARNING! Lots of pics!)
    Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.
    Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"

    Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD. B)
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