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Looking for M. Smerek...found him...Thx..BUT READABOUT OUR FIRES

I am trying to find Mark Smerek.
I cannot locate in my files his user name to contact him about his collection of BTW's.
I purchased from him in the past.

He is not in any trouble with me just wish to contact him...

I'm sorry for losing his info,,,



  • BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,504 ✭✭✭✭✭

  • That was him Barndog, Thank you a bunch.
    Bought some nice BTW's from him awhile back. Got a new computer and mis-placed things.

    Well, here we are on Thur Day 5 of the most horific fire storm in history.
    Lucky for us we arefar enough away we were safe. But our house and yard are covered in soot.
    It has been overcast here with the fire cloud for 3 days. No sense cleaning up it just comes back. Will wait till this week-end and wash everything down.
    Will have to get me Bull Stuff meter out today as the Pres will be here shortly.
    He will get the grand tour by all the stuffed shirts and then have a press conference to tell us all how lucky the over 650,000 people are who had to evacuate thier homes and go sleep at the San Diego Charger stadium or whereever they could.
    only 1 death is a miracle for the rest of the fire fighters who gave everything and more to save lives and property.
    Over 1100 homes burned down including the house my parents lived in before they died back in '01 & '02.....
    Sad to say but that will actually help the local real estate market as those people will be buying up any decent home they can to stay near thier propertyies while they either re-build or something.

    I could see the fires and smoke. The Santa Ana wind condition blew the fires thru every hill and valley all the way from way in the east where it started to the ocean in Del Mar. flames jumping roads and highways. For a time you could not get out of San Diego County to go north to Los Angeles. All the main highways were closed due to fires. Flames and burning embers flew everywhere they could and started another fire on a house or building and the poor over-worked fire fighters could not get to them before they spead wildly down a street lines with $700,000 and up homes. Burning them down one by ones like dominos.....

    Totally un-real......
    Have to run...

    Hug your loved ones and give thanks tonight when you close the door to your home and goto bed.

    Also thanks to all who have helped with donations whatever they were. We have ove a $$$ BILLION DOLLARS IN DAMAGES.......
    Yea billion with a big B
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