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Something odd looking about this copper

Impressions?? Suggestions? Looks messed with to me.

Come see me


  • theboz11theboz11 Posts: 6,576 ✭✭✭
    Nothing a good dip and brass brush wouldn't fiximage

    Somebody tried to get the tarnish off the back and did poorly. It appears to been around the vapors of a petrol product.
  • O.K. Here is my impression of the coin. It was put away wet and allowed to dry stacked with coins on and below it. It probably was stored in someone’s attic for years and allowed to go thru hot and cold cycles repeatedly. Then it was cleaned with a rag, lightly in some spots and heavily in others. Why George wasn’t rubbed down is a mystery to me.
    Oh, and it's listed as AU with a starting bid of $69.00?....Im thinking more along the lines of VF, TOPS, with a value o9f $15.00 American.- But that's just my opinion.
    "I has a bucket." - Minazo.
    Minazo the LOLRUS, 1994-2005
  • wybritwybrit Posts: 6,972 ✭✭✭
    My opinion in two words - stay away.
    Former owner, Cambridge Gate collection.
  • laurentyvanlaurentyvan Posts: 4,243 ✭✭✭
    At first I thought someone had tried to brush (literally looks like color brushed on) that bad boy with different chemicals in different spots in order to cook it, but I don't know.

    Perhaps JRC has the right of it but I might tend to mildly disagree. There seems to be too much definition between certain of the colors to invite that conjecture.

    Natural color toning tends to "creep" into some areas, not others (around raised sufaces/devices frequently- usually occupying the fields first) and rarely do you see strict definition (as in a line drawn) between colors. On close inspection colors tend to merge and blend naturally, usually evident to the eye.
    One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
    is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
  • MSD61MSD61 Posts: 3,382
    While the strike is very nice the odd coloring is disturbing. It looks to me as if someone wanted to remove the nice coco color and used a variant of things to do this with.
    Shame too as it could have been a nice piece. Thankfully no one has bid on it....yet but I guess if they did they'd have a nice pocket piece.
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