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Fake Japanese 100 Mon ID'd Thanks!

I don't know why I have this or even what it is, Japanese? coin/medal I guess I must have liked it when I bought it image I have no idea what I paid for it and I can't find it in Krause for an ID or to get a value. Any info would be most appreciated...
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Freedom is a well armed lamb contesting that vote. Benjamin Franklin - 1779

1836 Capped Liberty
dime. My oldest US
detecting find so far.
I dig almost every
signal I get for the most
part. Go figure...


  • sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭
    Japanese "Tempo tsuho," 100 mon, 1835-1870.
    Krause C7.

    From the pictures I would say the color, tone, and calligraphy look a little off but I don't know much about these pieces.

  • sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭
    I looked through the Japanese "Red Book" and could not find any examples that even remotely matched the calligraphy of your piece. There are many varieties that are not listed but I strongly suspect yours is fake.

    The JDNA catalogue says that these were widely counterfeited while they were in circulation but there is something in my gut that tells me this is not a contemporary fake.

    I dunno... like I said, I don't know much about these but the calligraphy is kind of crude looking compared to the examples in the JNDA book.

    There are some people here who know Japanese coinage better than I do. Let's see what they have to say.
  • Rickc300Rickc300 Posts: 876 ✭✭
    Thanks! I looked in Krause again and found it with your help, but the one pictured is larger than this piece (no wonder I missed it) so I am guessing it is indeed a fake... Here is a pic of it with a US Cent for comparison. Maybe a jewelry piece? 100 Mon with a US Cent
    I guess I better not list it on eBay since it looks to be a copy.
    Thanks again for your help...
    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Freedom is a well armed lamb contesting that vote. Benjamin Franklin - 1779

    1836 Capped Liberty
    dime. My oldest US
    detecting find so far.
    I dig almost every
    signal I get for the most
    part. Go figure...
  • sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭
    Oh my! Yes, it is way too small!image

    This must have been made as a charm or piece of jewelry.

  • Before I looked at Sunmon's comments, or knowing the size,I had concluded that it was non-contemporary copy of a Tenpo Tsuho 100 mon. Among other things, the color is way, way off.

    As Sunmon said, the size is conclusive proof that it isn't genuine. image

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