How not to dig a 1854 Seated Quarter

This coin was dug by DAD a few days ago. Could have been one of the most gorgous coins to come out of the ground, but it's not. First of all, he nicked it with the shovel. It happens, and I can get over that. This is what made my stomache turn: After he retrieved it from the ground, he yelled across the park to me "Hey, I think I have something here!" By the time I got over to him he was spitting on the coin and rubbing it like mad...I almost threw up...He hairlined the obverse something terrrible...I did stop him before the messed the reverse up. This should of been a spectacular coin. I've told him time after time, not to rub the dirt off, but he just don't get it

Now is that a die crack on that back side I see??
I was looking at that also!