digging holes at the shore edge

I was out detecting today at a beach a few towns over and was having alot of fun finding fishing weights every 2 seconds, until I got to this one spot. It was about 3 feet from the waters edge so a hole deeper then a few inches would soon fill up from water seeping through the sides of the hole wall. The spot never changed from a solid coin range signal, but the problem I was having was the hole eventually got to over a foot deep, kept filling in with water and yet the signal kept coming from the center of the hole. I swiped the hole from several angles and all angles led to the center of the hole. I gave up on the target thinking the signal must have been rogue to start. It's happened before were a coin range signal in the center of the hole turns out to be a nail on the side of the hole but this hole was about 1 1/2 feet wide and 1 1/2 feet deep.
Any ideas what was going on with this target?
Any ideas what was going on with this target?
I would think a beer can.
Wife thought I was crazy. LOL