Home Metal Detecting


Man what a morning I had,first I hit some tot lot's and only found a silver
charm that say's"#1 Grandaughter".
Then I decided to go hit my dirt pile's,the other one's were gone and new ones had arrived.
While digging for one target I spotted this in my hole.
It is a bone pokerchip the 2nd one I have found like this.


Then I got this pocket watch key,this neat little button with a sailing ship on it and
here's the charm.


In the hole with the pokerchip was this 1872? seated dime.


But my first target when I satred hunting was a little bit of a surprise to me.
As I undcovered it from it's dirt grave I saw it was a large disc but no idea what it was.
So the first thing I did was rub the edge of this disc and I noticed the readed edging,So
I rubbed a little of the face area and saw Miss Lady Morgan just image at me!!
She is a 1884s.
She needs a little more tender loving care to make her look a little better which I will
Do when I pick up some more special cleaner.


Thank's for looking and HH,Tom


  • kevinstangkevinstang Posts: 1,520 ✭✭✭
    Very nice, very crusty, must have been in the ground along time. I would be shoveling away at that pile! Good luck, got to be more there!
  • Wow! That's an amazing find.
    I lust for silver.
  • Very nice......Very very nice.
  • Man that is nice ! ! ! WTG LT

  • Any mintmark on the dime?

    WTG on that Morgan! That's quite a find!
  • Very nice Tom. I'm still waiting for one of those after 40 yrs of hunting. Did you do the dance? image

  • very cool. your up to 3 now huh? what were the other dates on those. riccar used "EZest" to clean the morgan i got in 2005, it cleaned real nice.

    i've used rakes on piles like that. flatten them out a little to see whats beyond the reach of the detector.

    here's a before and after of riccar's efforts.
  • where are those dirt piles coming from?
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • wow!...nice diggins!...hh
    "see ya at the beach"
  • Thank's all for the replie's.

    Goldeneye I think it may be a "s" mintmark on the dime,
    But it's really hard to tell as the back is a little banged up.

    Hey Brian,yep gotta go pick me some ezest up since I ran out of it and
    clean that baby up.Yes this make's 3 morgan's now.Date's on then are 1921s,1895s and 1884s.
    If I could have stayed longer yesterday I would have but it was my
    daughters birthday and I had to make her a cake and stuff,but I will be going back this weekend
    as I plan on leveling that pile to nothingimage

    Laserart I am not sure,as I have scoured the town looking for this demo but nothing.
    I will figure it out and when I do I going to hunt that place hard.

  • I find this amazing that someone would have "lost" a Morgan being that they're so big..

    You better 'stake out' that dirt pile & corner the dump truck driver, to find out it's source !!!
  • Wow Tom, those are some very nice finds indeed!!! With as much construction as Maine is seeing these days, we should be about to find a few dirt piles of our own. Did you need to get permission form the contractor's to detect?
    Be Still and Know
  • Hey BBQ I may just have to put a tracking device on there rigs when I catch them dumping dirtimage

    Hey Mary get in those demo's if there in an old part of town or a real old home getting knocked down,
    that is where alot of goodie's hide.
    No I didn't need to get permission on these as they are put on public land and I have talked to the guy's
    before and all they want to know is if I found anything goodimage

  • davbecdavbec Posts: 321 ✭✭
    thats awesome

  • Nice Tom... next stop= gold coin. image
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