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Weimar 5 Mark opinions wanted

Looks a tad on the cleaned/retoned side to me ... just wondered what others thought before deciding whether or not to get in on the bidding ...

1927 A 5 Mark Weimar Germany Oak Tree
1st You Suck - 04/07/05 - Thanks MadMarty!

Happy Rock Wrens

You're having delusions of grandeur again. - Susan Ivanova
Well, if you're gonna have delusions, may as well go for the really satisfying ones. - Marcus Cole


  • Bit difficult to tell from those photos. They may be had a little to much light.

    My first impression was "cleaned". I think I would ask the seller for some additional photos.
    Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
    1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003

    International Coins
    "A work in progress"

    eBay registered name:
    Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
    e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
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