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The OFFICIAL "where will Torre be next year" poll!

Let us all know what you think Joe will be doing next year.


  • << <i>Let us all know what you think Joe will be doing next year. >>

  • Most likely he'll be working in the upper management of the Yankee organization in some kind of capacity.

    TV commentator is a possibility too. He used to call games for Atlanta(?)
  • At first I thought maybe George was just being a jerk and doing this to spur on the team. Now...I think he's serious. He won't let Torre go from the organization, but he's out of the dugout for sure.
  • heh why would he want to associate with Steinbrenner?

    I say he retires and never coaches again.
  • <<At first I thought maybe George was just being a jerk and doing this to spur on the team. Now...I think he's serious>>

    Don't kid yourself. I don't think George is in control. Rumor has it that his health is very bad. When is the last time he made a public appearance? I think the Yankee executives are calling the shots.

    "The answer was in the Patriots eyes. Gone were the swagger and c0ck sure smirks, replaced by downcast eyes and heads in hands. For his poise and leadership Eli Manning was named the game's MVP. The 2007 Giants were never perfect nor meant to be. They were fighters, scrappers....now they could be called something else, World Champions."
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    i dont think hell be going anywhere,guess we'll see on news tomorrow ,most postseason games won by a manager,george would be stupid to let him go,george is kinda nutty too
  • This is a stupid poll. Why isn't one of the choices the Manager of the Yankees? That is where he will be.

    "The answer was in the Patriots eyes. Gone were the swagger and c0ck sure smirks, replaced by downcast eyes and heads in hands. For his poise and leadership Eli Manning was named the game's MVP. The 2007 Giants were never perfect nor meant to be. They were fighters, scrappers....now they could be called something else, World Champions."
  • Nah, they've obviously been getting Mattingly ready for the job. Girardi has an outside chance. Frankly I'd rather have Girardi, but that's not too likely. Thanks for the memories Joe.
  • ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 13,009 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>This is a stupid poll. Why isn't one of the choices the Manager of the Yankees? That is where he will be. >>

    Agreed. Once the Boss cools down Cashman will talk him out of firing Torre.

    Bigger questions is --- what is Clemens going to do? His ego is bigger than his ass, so you know he will not want to end his career having to be bailed out by a rookie.

  • << <i>No offense, but don't you think you've got just a few too many choices there? "Managing Another Team" could replace quite a few of those. >>

    updated poll
  • ziggy29ziggy29 Posts: 18,668 ✭✭✭
    Maybe he'll be defensive coordinator for the Bills. Even he as a baseball man probably knows you have to defend against the short sideline route when the opponent is down by 2 with 13 seconds left to play and no time outs at your 47.
  • "heh why would he want to associate with Steinbrenner?"

    for $7 million more dollars he might become Georges Nurse and wipe his butt after he takes a crap.

    George isn't all there anymore...definitely on his way out unfortunately.

    If Torre leaves or is treated poorly I can guarantee that many/most of the free agents that yanks have wont be coming back.
  • gosteelersgosteelers Posts: 2,668 ✭✭✭
    I think Torre is gone (announcing somewhere), AROD is with the Cubs, and Rivera and Posada are back with the team...
  • MattyCMattyC Posts: 1,335 ✭✭
    First, let me say I am a Yankee fan. Now... Joe Torre inherited an amazing team when he came on as Yankee manager. When that team was in its prime, WS were won. Yet as that team aged, Torre's poor pitcher/pen management and laissez-faire attitude became more of a factor-- and the team was bounced year after year. Beginning with the choke of the 2001 WS, peaking with The Choke in the 04 CS, and continuing with the 06 DS beating to Detroit and the latest DS drubbing, the Yankees have proven that their extensive resources can get them to the post season, yet not much farther. Sure, there are factors aside from Torre that have contributed to the Yankees' disappointing playoff performances these past SEVEN YEARS (i.e., the reliance on wizened arms such as Randy, Kevin Brown, and this year's Mussina and Rocket-- or even the big stage-averse chump known as Wang) but Torre must be held accountable. True, Torre is not on the field making bad pitches (Wang) or grounding into DPs with runners on (et tu, Jeter?). Yes, many older, overpaid, underperforming Yankees (Giambi, Rocket, Damon's .260 avg) must go, but the team also needs a new manager who will better motivate these Yankees. A big league manager should not be treated differently from any other high pressure employee: if you trade at a hedge fund and make a hundred million three years in a row, then lose half that amount even two years in a row, you can't hide behind past glory. In many life situations, for better or worse, you're only as good as your last performance. For the Yankees and their fans, expectations are high. Too much money is spent on too much talent. Too often (nearing a decade now) that talent has failed to win when it matters-- or even win a Division Series. As a result, Joe's gotta go. Is he a nice guy? Do his players like him? The answers to those questions don't matter. Let's ask: why did Joba pitch in game 3 when they were up by 5? Why start Wang in game 4 when he so clearly wilts in the October spotlight (did anyone think Wang had his 'stuff' after seeing the 1st inning today? 96 mph with no movement? His 3rd HR allowed when he yielded 9 in 200+ reg season innings?)? Why didn't Joe have a short hook for Wang in game 1 when the margin for error in October is so narrow? Joe should go, and many of these current Yankees should go with him. Sadly bad, bloated contracts (let's see Damon's numbers in his final contract year) will keep a great deal of aging fat on this team.
  • baseballjeffbaseballjeff Posts: 1,082 ✭✭✭
    He's not going anywhere. George S. says that every year about Mr. Torre. Common now, he's just adding drama to the team. I am a die hard Indians fan, and I thought it was sad how George brought this whole thing up. It just added one more thing to the plate for the players to think about. Oh well. His team, I guess he can do what he wants, Mr. Money Bags...

  • DeutscherGeistDeutscherGeist Posts: 2,990 ✭✭✭✭
    I also thought George S. was just spurring his team on with his comments about Torre. Notice that he left a door open by not saying that Torre for sure would be gone. He used the word "probably." I thought that was kind of suspicious since Steinbrenner never really hesitates.

    I think Torre will be back. Don Mattingly might need another year to get ready anyway.

    The Yankees have some nice young pitchers and Philip Hughs looks to be a good starter. Wang is a good pitcher, but this October was horrible--postseason jitters? Pettitte is good. Mussina should have started in place of Wang for game 4 or at least Wang should have been taken out earlier. Moose did much better as we saw. I think he would have kept the team closer since Wang really blew the game wide open in the first inning and was difficult to recover.

    Robinson Cano continues to live up to his potential. What a great steady hitter during the season and in the playoffs.

    Posada and Rivera should be kept with the team. They are far from finished. Besides, they are born Yankees, so they are not as disposable I would think. A team needs to have a face.

    "So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve

    BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
  • I think Torre's done.

    If torre goes, how many of the yankee free agents will want to come back?

  • ernie11ernie11 Posts: 1,961 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If the Boss gets rid of Torre, I hope the fans do a stadium-wise "Steinbrenner Sucks" yell like the one they did back in the 80's.
  • The Daily News has Girardi as the 3-1 favorite. I would love to see that. Mattingly strikes me as someone who is like Torre, quite and thoughtful. It's time for someone with a little more fire in the belly. The team is changing with all the youngsters so it's time to change the skipper.
  • baseballfanbaseballfan Posts: 5,464 ✭✭✭
    first off, i'm not a yankee fan. however torre is a pro's pro, he's got a legit shot at the hall between playing and coaching and he doesn't need the second guessing and nonsense.
    he deserves to retire and leave on his own terms and ride into the sunset.

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  • At age 67 I would retire from the rat race of managing professional baseball and just take it easy.
  • ...living in a Van down by the river!
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    dont he say that ever year?with most wins in postseason games as a manger in mlb ever ,george would be just as stupid as the bulls mgmt with they got rid of phil jackson,then went jordan,and the rest,the bulls are now the cavs of the 70s-80s-pretty stupid call for someone that took em to all those campionships,

  • << <i>Torre has an offer now on the table with another MLB team >>

    I don't see an offer for Torre in that story. All I see is the possibility of looking at the bobbing head in pinstripes. God, no.
  • jay0791jay0791 Posts: 3,556 ✭✭✭✭
    I am a lately frustrated lifelong Yankee fan. Joe Torre should find a nice fire to sit on...as he has been nothing but a highly overpaid bump on a log. A smart monkey could fill out a batting order from a billion dollar lineup. Send cashman with him...as he also is terrible. He would trade fred flintstone for barney ruble and leave out bam bam. Look at all his traded last 5 years...yikes!!! Maybe the Yankee coaches could teach a little baseball fundamentals...so the Yanks can play "team" baseball. Go get Tony LaRussa.....He's the George S. Patton of baseball. Maybe mix in a little Lou Pinella emotion to inspire his players. Take the 'C' off jeter....that needs to be earned every year...not just for someone who has been there the longest. Never thought I would say that.....
    While we are at it...lose some of these highly overpaid underproducers.......who have no desire to win. I loved Giambi at one time....but what have ya done lately. Damon ditto.... Sorry mike you also. A little dissapointed in AROD's post season...but if the players who all support Torre (esp. Jeter......past also)....would openly support him......maybe the media would lay off him a bit and reduce the pressure he is under. One player cannot carry a team....even though he did do just that early on.
    THe bombers have some fine young talent......lets give them the ball.
    Collecting PSA... FB,BK,HK,and BB HOF RC sets
    1948-76 Topps FB Sets
    FB & BB HOF Player sets
    1948-1993 NY Yankee Team Sets
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    not with yanks-just announced
  • He will manage again. He built up HOF stats with the Yankees but he can see the ship is going down. At least for now. No matter what he does in NY it will never be good enough. Why not try to cement his legacy with another team?
    "I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they
    wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're
    going to feel all day. "
    ~Frank Sinatra

  • << <i>This is a stupid poll. Why isn't one of the choices the Manager of the Yankees? That is where he will be. >>

  • << He will manage again. He built up HOF stats with the Yankees but he can see the ship is going down. At least for now. No matter what he does in NY it will never be good enough. Why not try to cement his legacy with another team?>>

    I believe that the only other uniform you will see Joe Torre in is a Yankee uniform when the Yankees fail to make the playoffs or don't live up to expectations. Gawd help the next New York Yankee manager. How many times did George fire Billy?

    "The answer was in the Patriots eyes. Gone were the swagger and c0ck sure smirks, replaced by downcast eyes and heads in hands. For his poise and leadership Eli Manning was named the game's MVP. The 2007 Giants were never perfect nor meant to be. They were fighters, scrappers....now they could be called something else, World Champions."
  • Why in god's name would Torre want to go back to a team that disrespected him like this?

    Cut his pay by a third, left him twisting in the wind for weeks, then come up with some baloney incentive contract like he's some newbie manager?

    Torre, rightfully, told yankee brass to f*** off and will never manage another game for queen george and his goon sons....any coincidence that the two sons decide to show some interest in the team days before the firing of Torre?

  • wow. only FOUR people got this one right!

    TORRE signs on to manage LA Dodgers

  • << <i>wow. only FOUR people got this one right! >>

    Is there a way to find out who?
  • rube26105rube26105 Posts: 10,225 ✭✭
    it was stits,had to be one lol-hes always right, he just aint here right now
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