The October 19-21, 2007 Collectorama Show

The October 19-21, 2007 Collectorama Show, held at The Lakeland Center,
in Lakeland, Florida will be 50% larger than the show there last February. Bring
this notice for Free Admission. Tell the folks at the Parking booth you are
coming in for Collectorama and get Free Parking. Hourly Free Door prizes.
Host hotel - The Jameson Inn ($69.95) I-4 at Exit 33 - 863-858-9070
Auction - Friday Night at 6 P.M. by Central Florida Auctions, LLC. For all
auction information contact Fred Oliver at 863-858-9070
Very strong table requests the past two weeks. We are adding in new rows
of dealer tables as needed. Call Ed at 561-392-8551 for table information.
If you are going to attend bring along some "numismatic goodies" and donate
them to the Kid's Bucket. All youngsters, 12 and under, get a daily dip into
the Kid's Bucket for a Free Handfull of Money. Show issued Souvenir Card.
United States Postal Service available to hand-cancel with special Collectorama
Show cancellation. Web Site:
in Lakeland, Florida will be 50% larger than the show there last February. Bring
this notice for Free Admission. Tell the folks at the Parking booth you are
coming in for Collectorama and get Free Parking. Hourly Free Door prizes.
Host hotel - The Jameson Inn ($69.95) I-4 at Exit 33 - 863-858-9070
Auction - Friday Night at 6 P.M. by Central Florida Auctions, LLC. For all
auction information contact Fred Oliver at 863-858-9070
Very strong table requests the past two weeks. We are adding in new rows
of dealer tables as needed. Call Ed at 561-392-8551 for table information.
If you are going to attend bring along some "numismatic goodies" and donate
them to the Kid's Bucket. All youngsters, 12 and under, get a daily dip into
the Kid's Bucket for a Free Handfull of Money. Show issued Souvenir Card.
United States Postal Service available to hand-cancel with special Collectorama
Show cancellation. Web Site: