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Garbage slabs down significantly on eBay

ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 7,982 ✭✭✭✭✭
Three days ago over 2300 SGS slabs on ebay, now 700 and dropping. 3 days ago over 2000 NNC slabs, now 280 and dropping fast. Pretty amazing image


  • notwilightnotwilight Posts: 12,864 ✭✭✭
    Real data. good job trending. --Jerry
  • Is that via the search function using the keywords? Someone else pointed out that they are selling the same coins with the word GEM instead of using the slab name and grade. How about a search that includes the title and body of the auction text? Similar numbers?

  • << <i>Is that via the search function using the keywords? Someone else pointed out that they are selling the same coins with the word GEM instead of using the slab name and grade. How about a search that includes the title and body of the auction text? Similar numbers? >>

    Just search for something like morgan dollar ms-65 ... that kind of search used to be completely useless, and now you get actual uncirculated coins listed on your screen.
  • ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 7,982 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Is that via the search function using the keywords? Someone else pointed out that they are selling the same coins with the word GEM instead of using the slab name and grade. How about a search that includes the title and body of the auction text? Similar numbers? >>

    Based on Keyword search: SGS, NNC

  • << <i>Three days ago over 2300 SGS slabs on ebay, now 700 and dropping. 3 days ago over 2000 NNC slabs, now 280 and dropping fast. Pretty amazing image >>

    I did a search looking in titles and descriptions, 1173 for SGS and 864 for NNC. Still down, but not as dramatic as the above. Of course, the three day old numbers searching the way I did, would be significantly higher. Some are not true hits because some sellers list the companies in their boilerplate auction templates even if the coin is raw.

    It will be interesting one month out, two months out, to see how much a dent has been made. More telling may be what kind of prices the no-name slabs fetch with the new restrictions.

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