Home Buy, Sell, & Trade - U.S. Coins

PLEASE IGNORE...............I've neglected the Liteside & my Morgan collection for too long.....

Edited to remove post.

Apparently, it has indeed been a long time since I looked closely at my Morgans "needs" list, as it appears most, if not all, of the ones I still had listed are not ones that come without a "premium", or could be found at the local coin show's "$12-$15-apiece" box.

I had thought that there might be one or two dates/mintmarks from among that list that were considered "everyday" that someone might have as an extra to sell at a more reasonable rate than on e-Bay to fill holes in my Whitman blue folder, and stated that I wasn't looking for any "slabbed", but it appears that was not how my inquiry was taken.

I received a few responses, including serious offers, but, more often than not, admonishments that somehow I was looking for someone to "giveaway" key dates at "under melt value", or "had no clue what a '93 goes for....". Or offers for slabs at 3 figures each.

That wasn't my intent, and I apologize.

- - Dave
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