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Jake Plummer

Anyone hear if teams contacted him this offseason? Man, the Vikings sure could use him, he isnt much past 30 is he?
Am I speaking Chinese?



  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I doubt he would help any.. Plummer is/was awful IMO
  • A search of the NFL website shows Plummer as still a Buc.

    Did they never release him or work out the issue with his retirement? Looks like they still hold his rights.

    I remember that they would not let him go and he just stayed retired.
  • Your right. He is on their roster, weird. I disagree, he played with a crap team for many years. Heck he did good with the Broncos. They were alot better than when Cutler came in, that was a mistake.
    Am I speaking Chinese?

  • Bucs do hold his rights...if he were to come back, he'd have to play for the Bucs or another team would have to make a trade for him.

    is/was awful? You're kidding, right?

    90.2 passer rating in 2005, 84.5 2004, 91.2 in 2003....hardly awful.

  • maybe throwing more interceptions than Tds in 5 different years makes him a bad qb. Just throwing that crazy idea out there.
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  • << <i>maybe throwing more interceptions than Tds in 5 different years makes him a bad qb. Just throwing that crazy idea out there. >>

    Favre has 3 years with more INTs than TDs and one with equal numbers...I guess that makes him a bad QB too.

    I guess when you look at one stat and not the whole picture like passer rating you're not going to have an accurate picture...I never said Plummer was a great QB, simply said he was 'awful'.

    Let's also not forget he was 33-15 in those three years as Denver's starter...hardly qualifies him as 'awful'.
  • How many years has favre been a qb? more than plummer, yet he has had less years of negative td/int ratio. Also, unlike you, i didnt mentioin plummers one year of an equal td/int ratio.

    And the record as a starter is not that important when you have maybe the best rushing attack in the NFL. Kyle orton isnt a good qb is he? He has a great record as a starter also, lets not get carried away with the win loss record.
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  • But I didn't use just wins and losses, I also put up his QB rating those three years as well, which is much more effective a tool to evaluate a QBs skillset than TDs and INTs. Kyle Orton put up a 59 passer rating, so your inclusion of him in this debate is flawed.

    You, however, felt the need to pick out one stat out of 5 random years to indicate he was a terrible QB.

    Plummer was a slightly above average QB, but hardly in any shape or form 'terrible'. The problem that plagued plummer is the same that has plagued every QB in Miami since Marino left - they are walking in the footsteps of legends.

  • << <i>But I didn't use just wins and losses, I also put up his QB rating those three years as well, which is much more effective a tool to evaluate a QBs skillset than TDs and INTs. Kyle Orton put up a 59 passer rating, so your inclusion of him in this debate is flawed.

    You, however, felt the need to pick out one stat out of 5 random years to indicate he was a terrible QB.

    Plummer was a slightly above average QB, but hardly in any shape or form 'terrible'. The problem that plagued plummer is the same that has plagued every QB in Miami since Marino left - they are walking in the footsteps of legends. >>

    Miami? Do you even know who jake plummer is?
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  • Yes, do you?

    You realize that Plummer played in DENVER and that a certain god-like QB there named ELWAY has made it near impossible to please the fans?

    The same problem that faces ever QB in Miami and a certain QB named MARINO?

    Why are you even arguing this? What do you possibly care?
  • I actually dont care. Doesnt mean im not right though.
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  • Bosox1976Bosox1976 Posts: 8,564 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bucs were considering going after part of his last signing bonus (like the fins and Ricky) due to his failure to complete the course of the contract. I believe that is why he has not been cut.

  • << <i>I actually dont care. Doesnt mean im not right though. >>

    Right about what? Some moronic statement that he had more picks than TDs 5 years? What exactly does that mean? Does that mean he's a terrible QB?

    Of course not, its a speck in the overall makeup of a QB.

    More accurate a picture, though, is his QB rating and win/loss record in Denver...3 very solid years in which he was well above an 85 passer ratings and 33-15.

    Awful? The only thing awful here is your inability to understand what makes a good QB.

  • << <i>If you think that interceptions reflect "a speck" in the overall makeup of a QB, then you are clearly the moron. But then you always were, you just prove it with every single post you make on this forum. >>

    So apparently to you interceptions thrown is the most important factor in determining a QB's value? You, sir, are a moron. How about looking at QB rating, which is a much, much more comprehensive tool to evaluate a QBs worth.

    Oh wait, you probably think that runs score or RBI are a good way to determine how good a hitter is.

  • << <i>No moron. But NO serious football analyst or fan would EVER make such a stupid statement as "its a speck in the overall makeup of a QB". >>

    It *is* a speck...it's hardly the end all be all of analysis, and it surely isn't the basis for determining a QBs worth.

    Good god you are impossible...you have no analytical ability whatsoever, you have no idea what makes up a good QB (or RB for that matter, what with you saying Westbrook is #1 in the league), and now you want to base a QB's worth on INTs alone?

  • << <i>It is the dumbest comment ever made about QBs. Not that it was such a shock coming from you. End of story. >>

    Apparently you don't understand that QB rating takes into account INTs.

    Now you can go to sleep having actually learned something today.

  • << <i>I fully understand the algorithms involved in the QB rating. But anyone who watches the sport understands how devastating turnovers are. You comment was stupid and so are you. >>

    So your argument has turned into 'i know you are but what am I?'

    Of course turnovers are devastating, and QB rating takes that into account. What's the matter, old man, you don't need none of that fancy math to tell you who's good?

  • << <i>You may be arguing. I'm merely stating facts. >>

    The 'facts' that INTs are the end all be all of determining a QB's value?

    Hate to break it to you chump - they're not.

  • Completion percentage.
    Yards gained.
    Win/Loss percentage.
    Yards gained per attempt.

    So yes, in determining a QB's worth and value, INTs are a speck...just like TDs, by themselves, are a speck.

    I know the 'new math' and all must get your tired brain confused, but there are lots of websites out there that will help you out.
  • I, unlike you, value as much information as I can get to make an informed decision about a player. You'd rather look at one piece of information and say 'he sucks!' or 'he rules!'.

    God, I pity you.

  • << <i>Please, no self respecting coach or football man would EVER say that interceptions are a "speck" in judging a QB. >>

    They surely wouldn't buy into your method of 'reasoning' that INTs are a good sole source of information.

    << <i>Besides, I thought you didn't believe in God. >>

    Nope, sure don't...religion is for the weak.

    << <i>You needn't pity me. Worry about yourself. No education. Flipping burgers for a living. No prospects. have to live out in that blithering heat in Modesto while I enjoy the fine weather in Silicon Valley. >>

    Wrong, wrong, and uhm, wrong. Silicon Valley huh? Cardboard box in an alley comfy hmm?
  • bigfischebigfische Posts: 2,252 ✭✭
    Ask any head coach what he wants from his qb, and not committing turnovers with be in all of thire top three responces. I've never heard a coach say that he looks for a high QB rating in his signal caller more than limiting turnovers. Also, is Kurt warner the best qb of all time? Well, your overvalued QB rating stat says he is. You say we put too much value in ints, you have given no other option other than QB rating, and wins loss that we have already proven doesnt mean a thing.

    Another thing, before you try to throw out these high QB ratings in defense of Plummers skill, why not mention his career rating of a whopping 74? Why not mention that his last season as a starter this non-crappy qb compiled an amazing QB rating of 68? Yes he has had a good season or two, this doesnt make him a good qb.

    edited for grammer
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  • ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 13,009 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Da Bearzzz should trade for Plummer. They could give the Sucs Grossman, Griese, and Orton, and they would still have the better end of the deal.
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ax doing what he does best... dragging people in an endless argument.
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    Edited because axtell spins so much, it makes everyone's heads spin.

    The point is Jake Plummer would rather retire than play for the Bucs, period.

    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Edited because axtell spins so much, it makes everyone's heads spin.

    The point is Jake Plummer would rather retire than play for the Bucs, period.


    How true!
  • Happy birthday Jake!
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