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PLATINUM, All are PCGS 10th Anniversary Labeled MS70 2006 w unc with Tru-view Photos

$100(1 ounce)- $2, 790
$50(1/2 ounce)- $1,850
$25(1/4 ounce)- $1,650
$10(1/10th ounce- $995

4 piece set that was on E-Bay has been sold, I'll be checking to see if I can assemble another set.
Have another set now- $7,200 shipped

2006 W GOLD anniversary Reverse Proof Rev PF70 - $4,200 shipped.(SOLD)Thanks Gary!

2006 w $50 PROOF (1 ounce) - $895 ea(only 1 left available from Anniversary set)

All prices include shipping and insurance.

2006 W NGC Anniversary Silver Eagle Set in Multiholder(all coins in same holder)- $450/set Shipped!

Also selling 2007 Jefferson Spouse Gold coins;

Proof- $529 shipped (SOLD)
UNC- $499 shipped

complete with Mint boxes and COA. (Ungraded)

GOLD, All are PCGS MS69 2006-w unc
At least 10 to 20 of each available.

$25(1/2 ounce)- $480 ea
$10(1/4 ounce)- $250 ea
$5(1/10 ounce)- $120 ea

SILVER, All are NGC MS69 2006 w ASE unc
At Least 10 available

$1(1 ounce)- $89 ea SHIPPED

2007 w MS70 PCGS Martha Washington 1st strike--- $1,100 with truview photo. (1 left)

2007 w Proof Abigail Adams(not graded)---- $525 (SOLD)

2006 Ben Franklin Commemoratives(Silver-1 ounce) Founding Father & Scientist
Proof and Uncirculated. (total of all 4 types)---- $150 a set Shipped! ungraded(complete with all coa's and packaging)
also including the USPS 4 stamp set of Franklin commemorative stamps.

All prices listed if paying by Money order or check.

Add 2% if paying by Paypal to help defray cost(paypal charges 3%)

Paypal only shipped to confirmed address(billing and shipping address must be the same)

Thanks for looking

My Ebay ID is Gemstate-coins if you want to see my feedback file(99%+)


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