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Thaler of Ladislawitz IV 1634

I recently acquired one of these coins in almost uncirculated condition but unfortunately I cannot find anything out about it. Can anyone here tell me what this coin might be worth and whether or not it is a rare or common coin? Thanks, Jim


  • laurentyvanlaurentyvan Posts: 4,243 ✭✭✭
    Welcome to the forum! For an intelligent and concise precis, it's helpful to have images.

    If you belong to Photobucket or equivilent site, copy the image code directly to message text.
    One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
    is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
  • If this is the coin,


    It is Km#54, 1634 II, Silver, Ruler: Wladislaus IV, Obverse: Crowned half figure of Ladislaus IV. Note: Dav# 4326, Legend and crown varieties exist. VG=$100.00 American, F=$200.00, VF=$350.00, XF=$550.00 (Standard Catalog of World Coins 1601-1700)

    This and the picture, are taken from the site:
    Polish Thalers

    Lad-4 actually was fat with a double chin. He made 2 kinds of thalers: a life-like realistic thaler & a fanatsy portrait. This one is the more common fantasy portrait.

    Ladislawitz IV was King of Poland from 1632 - 1648. Poland was really ruled by a group of Magnates & the King had very little power. Thus Poland was unable to raise a strong central army to defend itself & was readily invaded by anyone who wanted to invade: except for the Turks. The country would become unified to fight off the Muslem Turks but that was about it.
    Hope this is it and it helps.
    Oh, Hi and welcome to the forum.
    "I has a bucket." - Minazo.
    Minazo the LOLRUS, 1994-2005
  • That is the exact coin and it is in practically the same condition as that one. Thank you very much for your help. I am relatively new to the coin scene (little over a year) so I am sure this forum will become very valuable to me. Thank you for all who helped. I can see now that I need to go out and get a book that has prices of the years 1600-1800 coins. Thanks, Jim
  • You are most welcome.
    None of the good catalogs are cheap. Do not be afraid to buy a used one in good condition. Two good sites are e-bay (look around at other sites online so you know the prices) and Amazon.com
    I myself prefer Amazon.com, but everyone has their own preference.

    "I has a bucket." - Minazo.
    Minazo the LOLRUS, 1994-2005
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