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Lord Marcovan Roman Imperial coin collection (and wantlist)

(Last Updated 12/31/07)

Using this list, you can see what I've got, and what I want. Having begun this rather ambitious collection in the spring of 2007, I've come a long way fast, but I have a very long way to go, too.

For now, I just need one coin per emperor, bronze or silver (or gold, in the rare cases where it's affordable). If it is a particularly scarce ruler, I will consider provincial coinage with his portrait. For the toughest pieces, my budgetary ceiling is around $500-600 per coin, and obviously those won't be regular monthly purchases for me.

Numbers in parentheses at the end are AE (bronze) rarity and AR (silver) rarity, respectively, according to the Dirty Old Coins database. I imagine these ratings apply only to homeland coinage and not to provincial issues. Therefore, for the scarcer rulers, I might consider a provincial issue if the homeland issues of that ruler are exceedingly expensive. I have marked provincial coins currently in my collection with an asterisk (*). As of now, I am not attempting any of the prohibitively rare rulers whose coins are all rated 8 or 9 on the database, or those who issued only gold coins.

While a coin struck during a particular emperor's reign as Augustus is preferable to "as Caesar" issues struck before he became full emperor, anything goes at this point. "As Caesar" or posthumous issues are acceptable to me, since this is primarily a portrait set.

My first criterion is a nice portrait, the second is a clear obverse legend with as much of the emperor's name readable as possible. (You'll notice that a few of the coins pictured below fall a bit short on the latter criterion). Unusual or interesting reverse designs are nice and if they appeal to me, I will pay a small premium for them, but this is mostly a portrait type set so those first two criteria are the only big ones.

image001-Augustus, 27 BC – 14 AD (4/6): AE as
image 002-Livia (wife of Augustus) (6/-)
image003-Agrippa (intended heir of Augustus) (5/-): AE as
image004-Tiberius, 14-37 AD (6/6): AR denarius
image 005-Antonia (niece of Augustus, mother of Claudius) (5/8)
image 006-Drusus (son of Tiberius) (4/-)
image007-Germanicus (nephew of Tiberius) (4/-): AE as
image 008-Nero and Drusus (sons of Germanicus) (6/-)
image009- Caligula, 37-41 AD (5/8): AE as
image010- Claudius, 41-54 AD (3/8): AE as
image011-Nero, 54-68 AD (5/6): AR denarius
image012-Galba, 68-69 AD (6/6): AE sestertius
image013-Otho, 69 AD (-/6): AR denarius
image014-Vitellius, 69 AD (7/5): AR denarius
image015-Vespasian, 69-79 AD (5/4): AR denarius
image016-Titus, 79-81 AD (6/5): AR denarius
image017-Domitian, 81-96 AD (4/3): AR denarius
image018-Nerva, 96-98 AD (4/3): AE as
image019-Trajan, 98-117 AD (3/3): AR denarius
image020-Hadrian, 117-138 AD (3/3): AR denarius
image021-Sabina (wife of Hadrian) (7/5): AR denarius
image 022-Aelius, 136-138 (6/6)
image023-Antoninus Pius, 138-161 AD (3/3): AR denarius
image024-Faustina Senior (wife of Antoninus Pius) (4/3): AE sestertius
image025-Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 AD (3/3): AR denarius
image026-Faustina Junior (wife of Marcus Aurelius) (4/3): AE denarius
image027-Lucius Verus, 161-169 AD (5/4): AE sestertius
image028-Lucilla (wife of Lucius Verus) (5/5): AR denarius
image029-Commodus, 177-192 AD (4/3): AR denarius
image030-Crispina (wife of Commodus) (7/5): AE sestertius
image 031-Clodius Albinus, 195-197 AD (unlisted in DOC database)
image032-Septimius Severus, 193-211 AD (6/3): AR denarius
image033-Julia Domna (wife of Septimius Severus) (6/3): AR denarius
image034-Caracalla, 198-217 AD (6/3): AR denarius
image 035-Plautilla (wife of Caracalla) (7/4)
image036-Geta, 209-212 (7/3): AR denarius
image037-Macrinus, 217-218 AD (7*/5): AE25, provincial
image038-Diadumenian, 218 AD (7/6): AE sestertius
image039-Elagabalus, 218-222 AD (6/3): AR denarius
image 040-Julia Paula (1st wife of Elagabalus) (7/4)
image 041-Aquilia Severa (2nd wife of Elagabalus) (8/5)
image042-Julia Soaemias (mother of Elagabalus) (6/4): AR denarius
image043-Julia Maesa (grandmother of Elagabalus & Severus Alexander) (6/4): AR denarius
image044-Severus Alexander, 222-235 AD (5/3): AR denarius
image 045-Orbiana (wife of Severus Alexander) (8/6)
image046-Julia Mamaea (mother of Severus Alexander) (6/4): AR denarius
image047-Maximinus, 235-238 AD (4/4): AR denarius
image 048-Maximus, 235-238 AD (5/6)
image 049-Balbinus, 238 AD (6/6)
image 050-Pupienus, 238 AD (6/6)
image051-Gordian III, 238-244 AD (4/2): AR antoninianus
image052-Philip I, 244-249 AD (4/3): AR antoninianus
image053-Otacilia Severa (wife of Philip I) (4/3): AE sestertius
image054-Philip II, 247-249 AD (4/3): AR antoninianus
image055-Trajan Decius, 249-251 AD (4/3): AR antoninianus
image056-Herennia Etruscilla (wife of Trajan Decius) (4/3): AR antoninianus
image057-Herennius Etruscus, 251 AD (4/4): AR antoninianus
image058-Hostilian, 251 AD (7*/6): AE27, provincial
image059-Trebonianus Gallus, 251-253 AD (4/3): AR antoninianus
image060-Volusian, 251-253 AD (4/4): AR antoninianus
image 061-Aemilian, 253 AD (8/6)
image062-Valerian I, 253-260 AD (4/3): AR billon antoninianus
image 063-Valerian II, 256-258 AD (5/4)
image064-Gallienus, 260-268 AD (2/-): AE silvered antoninianus
image065-Salonina (wife of Gallenius) (3/-): AE antoninianus
image 066-Saloninus, 260 (5/5)
image067 Postumus (c.260-269 AD, usurper) (4/3): AR antoninianus
image 068-Macrianus (c.260-261 AD, usurper) (5/-)
image 069-Quietus (c.260-261 AD, usurper) (5/-)
image070-Claudius II, 268-270 AD (2/-): AE silvered antoninianus
image 071-Marius (c.269 AD, usurper) (6/-)
image072-Victorinus (c.269-271 AD, usurper) (3/-): AE antoninianus
image073-Quintillus, 270 AD (4/-): AE antoninianus
image074-Aurelian, 270-275 AD (2/-): AE silvered antoninianus
image075-Vabalathus (c.271-272 AD, usurper) (5/-): AE antoninianus
image076-Tetricus I (271-274 AD, usurper) (3/-): AE antoninianus
image077-Tetricus II (c.273-274 AD, usurper) (3/-): AE antoninianus
image078-Tacitus, 275-276 AD (3/-): AE antoninianus
image 079-Florian, 276 AD (4/-)
image080-Probus, 276-282 AD (2/-): AE antoninianus
image081-Carus, 282-283 AD (3/-): AE antoninianus
image082-Numerian, 283-284 AD (3/-): AE antoninianus
image083-Carinus, 283-285 AD (3/-): AE antoninianus
image084-Diocletian, 284-305 AD (2/6): AE antoninianus
image085-Maximianus, 286-305, 306-308 & 310 AD (3/6): AE antoninianus
image 086-Carausius (287-293 AD, usurper) (4/7)
image 087-Allectus (293-296 AD, usurper) (5/-)
image088-Constantius I, 305-306 AD (3/6): AE post-reform radiate fraction
image 089-Helena (1st wife of Constantius I) (3/-)
image 090-Theodora (2nd wife of Constantius I) (5/-)
image091-Galerius, 305-311 AD (3/6): AE follis
image092-Galeria Valeria (wife of Galerius) (4/-): AE follis
image093-Severus II, 306-307 AD (5/8): AE 1/4 follis
image094-Maximinus II, 309-313 AD (3/6): AE follis
image095-Maxentius, 306-312 AD (3/6): AE follis
image 096-Romulus (son of Maxentius) (5/-)
image097-Constantine I, 307-337 AD (1/7): AE3
image 098-Fausta (wife of Constantine I) (3/8)
image099-Licinius I, 308-324 AD (1/8): AE follis
image100-Crispus, 316-324 AD (1/8): AE follis
image101-Licinius II, 317-324 AD (1/-): AE3
image102-Delmatius, 335-337 AD (4/8): AE follis
image103-Constantine II, 337-340 AD (1/7): AE3
image104-Constans I, 337-350 AD (1/6): AE4
image105-Constantius II, 337-361 AD (1/6): AE3
image106-Magnentius, 350-353 AD (3/6): AE centenionalis
image 107-Decentius, 351-353 AD (3/6)
image108-Constantius Gallus, 351-354 AD (1/6): AE3
image109-Julian II, 360-363 AD (2/6): AE3
image110-Jovian, 363-364 AD (2/6): AE3
image111-Valentinian I, 364-375 AD (1/6): AE3
image112-Valens, 364-378 AD (1/6): AE3
image 113-Procopius (365-366 AD, usurper) (4/7)
image114-Gratian, 367-383 AD (1/6): AE3
image115-Valentinian II, 375-392 AD (1/6): AE2
image116-Theodosius I, 379-395 AD (1/6): AE4
image 117-Aelia Flaccilla (wife of Theodosius I) (3/8)
image 118-Magnus Maximus (383-388 AD, usurper) (4/6)
image 119-Flavius Victor (387-388 AD, usurper) (6/8)
image120 Arcadius, 383-407 AD (East) (1/6): AE3
image 121-Eudoxia (wife of Arcadius) (3/8)
image 122-Eugenius, 392-394 AD (6/7)
image123-Honorius, 394-423 AD (1/6): AE3
image 124-Theodosius II, 402-450 AD (East) (3/6)
image 125-Johannes, 423-425 AD (6/8)
image 126-Valentinian III, 425-455 AD (5/8)
image127-Marcian, 450-457 AD (East) (5/8): AE4
image 128-Leo I, 457-474 AD (East) (5/8)
image 129-Verina (wife of Leo I) (6/-)
image130-Zeno, 474-491 AD (East) (5/7): AV solidus, ex-Eliasberg

Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.


  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • sTONERsTONER Posts: 1,904 ✭✭✭
    toner loner
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
    TTT with more newps

    Agrippa (intended heir of Augustus, but predeceased him in 12 BC)

    Tiberius (14-37 AD, emperor during the ministry and crucifixion of Christ.)

    Faustina II (wife of Marcus Aurelius, who reigned 161-180 AD)

    Julia Mamaea (mother of Severus Alexander, who reigned 222-235 AD)

    Otacilia Severa (wife of Philip I "The Arab", who reigned 244-249 AD)

    Herennia Etruscilla (wife of Trajan Decius, who reigned 249-251 AD)

    Tetricus II (usurper circa 273-274, breakaway Gallic empire)

    Constantius Gallus (351-354 AD)

    Valentinian I (364-375 AD)

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just added a tough Otho denarius, which is now the new keystone to my collection, and arguably the rarest coin currently in my possession.

    (Otho ruled for only three months, early in the year 69).


    And a follis of Delmatius, as Caesar 335-337 A.D.:


    And Marcian and Lucilla, for which I forgot to save pics. (Update- pics added above).

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another toughie added: a sestertius of Diadumenian.

    My first non-provincial R-7, I believe. And it cost me well under a hundred bucks! That makes up for the lack of readable legends on the coin. I can live with a low-grade piece like this since it has a decent portrait and it's fairly rare. Diadumenian provincial bronzes are readily available, but it is nice to have such a scarce homeland type. And this ruler's bronze is a bit scarcer than his silver.


    You'll note that I've also added pictures and thumbnails for everything above.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
    TTT, with recent newps added above.

    Sabina, wife of Hadrian, AR denarius

    Crispina, wife of Commodus, AE sestertius (arrived today- I love it!)

    Julia Domna, wife of Septimius Severus, AR denarius (also arrived today and is better in hand than the pix- thanks, Gil!)

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • astroratastrorat Posts: 9,221 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very nice! image

    Numismatist Ordinaire
    See http://www.doubledimes.com for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Last newps for 2007!

    Galeria Valeria, wife of Galerius.


    << <i>gF/gF Galeria Valeria AE Follis / Venus

    Attribution: RIC 107
    Date: 309 AD
    Obverse: GAL VAL-ERIA AVG, Draped bust right
    Reverse: VENERI V-ICTRICI, Venus standing left, holding apple over altar
    Size: 23.27 mm
    Weight: 4.9 grams
    Description: Ex Colosseum Coin 1992 >>

    Severus II.


    @Failmezger Collection@@ Severus II as Caesar AE 1/4 Follis / Genius

    Attribution: RIC VI 170a Siscia , Failmezger 59 S
    Date: 305-306 AD
    Obverse: FL VAL SEVERVS NOB C, Laureate bust right
    Reverse: GENIO POP-VLI ROMANI, Genius standing left holding patera and cornucopia, SIS in ex.
    Size: 18.31 mm
    Weight: 2.3 grams
    Description: Ex Guy Clark 1996 >>

    Both from Marc Breitsprecher at Ancient Imports, from whom I've bought many coins.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
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