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Woo hoo made my first pop 1, Rosie

On the wrong side of the grading spectrum though, lol. This one was for sure a 65 in my book, but I let it sit in a flip(bad kind) and it had a slight haze to it. I knew I should have done something about that before I sent it. According to the pop only 19 have been graded in all grades, how hard is this coin really to find? Paid $.20 at the B&M for it.

7 1 13993209 85138 1970-D 10C US MS63FB

Others that came back are below, not great grades, but the rosies are monster toners. Wish I would have gotten true view.

2 1 13993204 7693 1835 $2.50 US XF40
3 1 13993205 85089 1948-D 10C US MS66FB
4 1 13993206 85084 1946-S 10C US MS66FB
5 1 13993207 85119 1959-D 10C US MS66FB

Life member of the SSDC


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