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Questions on Toned MS 65 1893 Columbian

for you silver commemorative buffs - I have a beautifully toned 1893 MS 65 Columbian in a old NGC holder - 1st question: are toned Columbians in this grade a dime a dozen or is it rare to see this? 2nd question: since its in a old holder, would it be worth it to send in for a re-grade?? sorry no pic - will try to get one up - thanks in advance!!!image
currently putting together a EF/AU/BU 18th & 19th Century Type Set; and CC Morgan Set

just completed 3d tour to Iraq and retired after 28+ years in the US Army


  • LeeGLeeG Posts: 12,162
    Not a particularly rare coin in MS65. NGC has graded 591 coins MS65 with 172 higher. Eye appeal is key and I'd keep it in the old holder.

  • << <i>for you silver commemorative buffs - I have a beautifully toned 1893 MS 65 Columbian in a old NGC holder - 1st question: are toned Columbians in this grade a dime a dozen or is it rare to see this? 2nd question: since its in a old holder, would it be worth it to send in for a re-grade?? sorry no pic - will try to get one up - thanks in advance!!!image >>

    1st: yes
    2nd: would need a pic

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