Carol HELP!! Please clarifiy pricing for the larger T3 holders.
Carol- On the thread from last August you stated that the larger cards (not T3's but Sportscasters & Jay Publishing) could be submitted at the Regular service of $15/20 day turnaround. I have looked at the list of grading fees and do not find this?? All I find is the stipulation of the T3's having to go under the $50 service. Where is it listed that the other cards can go under the cheaper scale??
I think if you just check "Other" on the submission form, that wil suffice. That has worked every time I have submitted such oversize cards (Jay Publishing, Sportscasters, Johnny Pros, Drake and Hostess Panels, 1988/89 Tastykake and 1980/1981 Topps 5x7 Superstars)
<< <i>
He said SportsCasters and Jay Publishing...which can be submitted for $15/pop
Brett Favre Master Set
Favre Ticket Stubs
Favre TD Reciever Autos
Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
Football HOF Rc's
<< <i>So under what category should the new topps turkey red cabinets be submitted under?? >>
Same thing, $15/pop, unless they are rare/valuable and need to be submitted at a higher tier. (e.g. a Barry Bonds / ARod signed double jersey card would have to be submitted at the $50 service level)
it was a favre box loader card, no auto or jersey.
Brett Favre Master Set
Favre Ticket Stubs
Favre TD Reciever Autos
Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
Football HOF Rc's
I found this from a few months ago
I had written to PSA to ask if the sportscaster cards qualified to be submitted under the Tall Boy Bulk for $8, and a customer service rep emailed me back and said yes. I was later told by Joe O. that they didn't, but he would honor the $8 per card this time since I was told by a C.S. rep that they did. Joe told me that if you had a bunch to submit, you could always ask him to see if you could get a reduced rate. I guess I am not even sure what the normal price is to submit these cards. I thought someone had once said $16, but I don't see that on the price list.
As far as me selling any of these, I don't have an attachment, but there haven't been very many sales of these, so pricing is kind of sketchy I suppose. I guess you could always make me an offer and we could go from there. Also, I have about 400 or so others, so if you have interest in ungraded singles, give a shout. I only submitted what I thought would be 10's, with outside shots at 9's...guess I was off on a few...
T3's (Turkey Reds) must be submitted at Super Express or higher, depending on declared value and desired turn around times.
Supersized cards that fit in the T3's such as the Sportscaster cards can be submitted at Regular service and higher, depending on the declared value and desired turnaround times.
In the beginning, the turnaround times were 20 business days regardless of the service level they were submitted under. We have since changed that.
If any of these cards are autographed, then the turnaround time is still 20 business days regardless of the service level they were submitted under.
Hopefully this clears things up.
<< <i>So under what category should the new topps turkey red cabinets be submitted under?? >>
I will try to find out this for you.
Under the Set Registry main page for a given set why dont you list the type of holder that is used for that set with a small chart showing value = service level.
This would make it crytstal clear and probably save many cust serv calls.
Captain Obvious
Loves me some shiny!
Brett Favre Master Set
Favre Ticket Stubs
Favre TD Reciever Autos
Football HOF Player/etc. Auto Set
Football HOF Rc's
I spoke with Joe and we can take these cards at Regular service and higher.
We are planning on adding the different sizes to the customer service area of the website shortly.