Mustangman7 Retires

This was started as a really pleasant thread to announce that I had sold my set and retired it and that I was going to retire from collecting as well. RBinTex found the need to ask me what profit I made from selling my set and when I refused to tell him his flame job began. I personally would never in a million years ask someone what profit they made selling something but I guess Roger feels he had that right. Now he has set his sights on flaming me in this thread and via PM. This action of his is the very reason I left this forum years ago and after this thread I do not plan on returning. The life and joy for collecting has all been sucked out of me. Thanks to all who wished me well already and to those who will read this later. I will miss many of you alot and maybe some day I can build a third registry set. TTFN
PS: I guess offering to buy Roger lunch to discuss our differences was somehow construed into physical violence? I sure won't miss this guy.
PS: I guess offering to buy Roger lunch to discuss our differences was somehow construed into physical violence? I sure won't miss this guy.
Mike--(2001 #1 PCGS MS Memorial Lincoln Registry Set Owner & 2007 #13 MS Memorial Lincoln Set Owner. Both Retired)
Congratulations on building a second set with great coins. I viewed your set many times and wished that
I could've landed your 99D. Retirement isn't always permanent and I hope you still visit the Forum.
Warm Regards,
Don't be a stranger.
I am sorry that you were "forced" to sell.
I do hope that selling your sets have afforded you the money you needed to do whatever you needed to do.
Part of me hopes you will visit as I would hate to think another (relatively) long time collector has called it quits.
I have you beat being a member of these boards probably by less than a month (Joined: February 25th, 2001 8:05 AM).
Then another thinks that if you do return to 'visit', you'll get hooked again.
Whatever you decide, take care & the best of luck.
Don't retire yourself all that fast - the 3rd time might be a charm.
<< <i>How much did you net?
Rather than asking a Forum member sensitive financial information, I would suggest visiting Teletrade's
website. Selling prices are public information there and aquiring the information in this manner seems a
bit more tasteful. JMO!
Nonya dang gone business! You and your mouth are the very reason I left this forum before and you are still a
Wondercoin: Thanks I really appreciate it and actually this was my 3rd set. The second one got about 80% complete and I had to sell it.
Lincoln's Rule: It would be tough to find a better eye for Lincoln's out there and without your help on this set, I would not have ever gotten as high as I did. I want to Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for all your help and friendship over these last years.
Registrynut: Bravo. I could not have said it better. Thanks.
website. Selling prices are public information there and aquiring the information in this manner seems a
bit more tasteful."
I'm sorry, how is it "sensitive private info" if it is on a public auction site (especially when Mike announces the sale here on the boards in the first place)?
Those were YOUR words Mike (lighten up)
Personally, I have NO problem telling ANYONE what I EVER sold ANY coin for that I've owned as I believe in doing my part in providing as many data points as possible to help provide more transparancy in the market - especially for thinly traded varieties (whether the sale was via a public auction or not) - but hey, that's just me.
If Laura had announced that she had just sold "THE NICKEL", would it not be natural to wonder (& heaven forbid ASK) for how much?
<< <i>Fun & flames...
Those were YOUR words Mike (lighten up)
The post chastising you was made by RegistryNut, not the OP. Acknowledging that it was a public sale, I do agree that such a question was probably better posed through a PM than in the thread.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
I was not referring to Registrynut's comments in any way. He had a right to express his opinion (& I believe he did so quite politely - heck, reasonable people can disagree).
I was referring to Mike's over the top vulgar, profane, and threatening PM's (as well as his uncalled for, nasty, unprofessional, & unproductive reply in the thread).
Is it REALLY that big a secret what the set sold for?
If I read your question correctly, and I did, you did not ask "How much did you sell your coins for?", but rather "How much did you net?", inferring profit.
I agree with RegistryNut, do some legwork yourself, go to TT & find out what the coins sold for, THAT'S public information.
If you're asking what was Mike's profit, then that is NOT public knowledge & is rather rude to ask, IMO.
That being said, I hope Mike made a huge profit, can pay off is bills & still have a boatload of cash left over.
I could care less and would NOT have asked how much he made or loss in terms of profit. I am/was interested in the total he realized for his collection - period. Didn't think it was a big secret and certainly not something to get bent out of shape over but that certainly didn't stop him from threatening physical harm or being profane via PM.
I asked what you netted (i.e. AFTER Teletrade got their cut how many dollars YOU got, for your collection). I can't help it if you misunderstood.
Think about it, how would your profit/loss provide me ANY info I would consider as a valuable data point reflective of "the market"? I was ONLY interested in the selling prices. Forgive me for not asking what you grossed (including the juice) instead of what you netted (after the juice). I didn't think Teletrade's juice was a national secret!
OK. Since it appears to be SUCH poor form to ask what he got for his collection AFTER Teletrade got their cut (assuming no special deal it's easy to figure but I DO assume he got a deal - which has no relavence), how about how much was the GROSS sale via Teletrade?
Is that a secret?
Who is John Galt?