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Josh (Civitas) how about an ANA report?

ajaanajaan Posts: 17,457 ✭✭✭✭✭
Any comments Josh?

'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

CU #3245 B.N.A. #428



  • CIVITASCIVITAS Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭
    Overall, the ANA was far better than we expected. Milwaukee has been such a slow town for coin shows these past several years, that we didn't have very high expectations going into the show. We were hoping there would be significant draw from across the country (or at least the greater Midwest) and we weren't disappointed. The dealers were also buying quite readily. As is typical, 75%+ of our gross sales were wholesale. Most dealers said it was very difficult to find anything to buy out on the floor (I guess we just sell everything too cheaply since it seemed easy for them to buy from us image ).

    Ancients are very hot right now. Supply is even lower than it used to be, even for common stuff. Anything high quality is trading at levels far higher than I have ever seen. Very few people have anything decent in quantity, not even common stuff. Those who do are asking VERY strong prices for it and they are getting those numbers in a lot of cases. I saw a few bag lots of common Roman denarii and antoniniani trade hands for at least 100% more than they would have 2 years ago. We even managed to sell several thousand dollars worth of low grade 1st century Roman Imperial coins so maybe the high prices on the high end stuff are raising the market for average to low end material. Roman gold is out of control. Nice Greek silver is not far behind. If you plan on adding any of this type of material to your collection get in now or it'll cost you even more a few months from now. (I sold all of mine at the show, so this is not a sales pitch. image )

    As for world coins, the usual areas are still hot. Everyone asks for Russian coins, even non-Russians. Poland is still popular. As has been discussed here, US Philippines is very popular right now. Many requests for Norway and Finland. Sweden and Denmark also seem to be warming up. Australia was continuing it's increase in popularity. Better Asian material is getting a lot of attention now too. China, Korea and even Malaysia (older material) are popular. But Japan is pretty stagnant it seems. I didn't get a single request for Greek (modern) coins. The last few major shows we have attended have showed significantly diminished interest in modern Greek so I suspect the stateside boom in that area has peaked and all but died. No one asked us for British coins except for hammered stuff. I found that a bit unusual with the pound as high as it is I thought the British dealers would be swarming the place. The German dealers were buying their own stuff, but I didn't get too much interest from collectors or American dealers for German or Austrian coins. Must be the high Euro.

    Several forum members stopped by for one reason or another. The usual visits from MadMarty and messydesk. tootawl and USAROK both stopped by to chat for a while. MrEureka bought something at our table (I'm not sure what since I was at another table at the time). It was good to put some more faces to names.

    A very good show in all respects (save for the non-stop blaring announcements through the P.A. system). Lots of money traded hands. I'm pretty sure we spent 80% or more of what we took in, so I'm greatly looking forward to our next website update and/or coin show. I didn't hear a single complaint about sales volume at the show. I heard a range of "OK" to "Great" from other dealers with tables. The only negative I heard was a longing for more retail customers.

    New coins listed monthly!

    Josh Moran

    CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,738 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the review, Josh.

    << <i>so I'm greatly looking forward to our next website update >>

    Same here image
  • ajaanajaan Posts: 17,457 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great report Josh, thanks.

    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

    CU #3245 B.N.A. #428

  • StorkStork Posts: 5,206 ✭✭✭✭✭
    << so I'm greatly looking forward to our next website update >>
    Me too!

    << <i>But Japan is pretty stagnant it seems. >>

    Hmm...I don't suppose you picked up a decent M. 3 or 4 20 sen or M.3 1 yen? Two glaring holes in my collection...


    Sounds like a productive trip for you!


  • JZraritiesJZrarities Posts: 2,583 ✭✭✭
    Great Report Josh - thanks for the head start a few years ago as I'm VERY Happy Now.
  • The German dealers were buying their own stuff, but I didn't get too much interest from collectors or American dealers for German or Austrian coins. Must be the high Euro.

    Hmmm ... note to self ... win Powerball so I can buy more German Empire coinage. It's an addiction I tell ya' ... an addiction ... image
    1st You Suck - 04/07/05 - Thanks MadMarty!

    Happy Rock Wrens

    You're having delusions of grandeur again. - Susan Ivanova
    Well, if you're gonna have delusions, may as well go for the really satisfying ones. - Marcus Cole
  • Josh...Thanks a bunch for the report, especially the information on the ancients. I'm really into Greek silver as my new thing. Your information about this area was very helpful.

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