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ATTENTION ALL Verified Members of the Coin Swap Club, Please read and contact me

I respectfully ask that all Verified Coin Club (Swap Club) Members contact me but first Read and DO the following:

It seems Louie, for reasons known only to him and God, has had what appears to be an Epiphany, an eye opening Revelation that has caused him to look inward and hence make right the many wrongs committed against untolled swap members.

FIRST - I would ask that any and every one that feels he (or she) has been wronged by Louie, take him up on his offer to make things right. Take advantage of the Opportunity of the Fact that he has come forward and seems to want to right his many wrongs.

DO NOT PERMIT OLD GRUDGES ( warranted or NOT) to fester. I have been PMd by many Charter Members that only NOW have brought to light the circumstances responsible for ill feelings. I wish each and every one of you had come to me and alerted me to these events as they transpired.

SECONDLY - Louie has come forth of his own accord. NO ONE has pushed him into attemting to make right these wrongs. My gut instinct tells me that his own conscience and sense of mortality may have come into play here. This is strictly my opinion.

Thirdly, Louie has NOT asked to be re-instated. As such, I strongly encourage all involved to contact him and to take him up on his offer to make things right. Some have stepped forward via PM here thereby making me aware of events that I was previously unaware of. I will keep my opinions to myself for the present time.

It's this simple. If you have had dealings with Louie and feel shortchanged, now is your chance to be made whole and this is strictly Louie's doing. I cannot force you to step up and engage the man and to put the past behind you. After everyone is done I will then ask the membership of verified members to vote on how to handle this.

In the meantime, contact Louie with your beef and me with your say. The decisions made will set a precedent for generations to come if such swap clubs are to endure the test of time. Whether you've already made up your minds or have things to bring to my attention NOW, for the first time, this is the place and the time is now.

This is our club and I think it should be run with all charter and verified members having equal say. JMHO.


  • Musky1011Musky1011 Posts: 3,904 ✭✭✭✭
    I have no complaints or beef with him

    Pilgrim Clock and Gift Shop.. Expert clock repair since 1844

    Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA

    http://www.pcgs.com/SetRegistr...dset.aspx?s=68269&ac=1">Musky 1861 Mint Set
  • I have no dog in this fight, only what I read in the tabloids.

    I will welcome any and all trades from any forum members.......but, woe be unto that person who slights me......
    This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM image

    Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
  • ajiaajia Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭

    I just don't get all this fuss over Louie.
    In the end the decision is yours.

    And only you know how many have responded to your call to the members on their dealings with Louie.

    As I stated earlier, I would swap with Louie if he was allowed to participate & he and I were paired.

    But if you were to ask me if he should be allowed to participate I would say no.
    He has had less than ideal trades withmore than 1 member, including you & me.

    Others have done less to less people with greater consequences.

    JMO, but in the end the decision is yours to make.
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Thanx Augie but I am not a Dictator. This is OUR CLUB - NOT MINE and as in a Democratic Society, every verified member has a right to vote.

    He has not asked to be re-instated - not at all, and I applaud his attempt to own up to his wrongdoings and to try to make things right BUT, for the record, I'd like to know if everyone involved has approached him as well as what the outcomes have been like.

    I'd like to weigh everyones' thoughts before even considering allowing him back in. If his presence has a negative impact and causes participation to dwindle and eventually die, then it would NOT be in the best interest of the Group as a whole to allow him back in.

    There are thousands of members here and the last swap was the largest by far, to date. Even so, have things transpired during the last swap that I am unaware of to cause this swap to be so small? Something is going on and while I am quite intuitive and empathic, I certainly AM NOT a mind reader.

    Thank you for taking but a few moments to express your feelings publicly. I REALLY WOULD like to hear from more of you ... ALL of you! If someone/ anyone has a complaint or something to add, by all means please do so either here or via PM or private email.

    Thanx All,

    BOOM image
  • Hi Boom,

    Just want to add a comment on swaps, as a novice.

    I have only been part of 2 swaps to date. The first, with Ajia started baddly, ALL MY FAULT. And ended very well in my opinion. Although I didn't post enough to the swap thread, like shipping info. Or let Augie know I was happy in good time.

    The second went slow, but better, I mean I didn't screw it up too bad.

    I didn't sign up for this swap, as I have run out of good swapping material. Never had that much to begin with. And I post this mostly to let you know why I didn't sign up.

    Since I have had no dealings with Louie, maybe I should have posted elsewear, or PMed. But then it could bring out more reasons for lower participation from other members who didn't sign up this time.

    I hope to join in again soon, even if not next time.

    (Old man) Look I had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, “That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah”.

    (Priest) BLASPHEMY he said it again, did you hear him?
  • Enjoy the swaps I have been in but haven't been in many. i have no beef with anyone I have ever dealt with on this form whatsoever. It seems that there are a fairly large group of realy great people in the midst of these forms. Thanks to all whom I have had the pleasure of dealing with I have truely been taught a tremendous amount of knowledge.
  • ajiaajia Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭
    Boom, I don't want to get into a pissing match, but you're wrong, this is NOT a CLUB.
    It is your swap thread.

    You gathered the information, you pick out the members who will participate & who won't, members come to you with issues, you pick out the partners, etc.

    To somehow think this is a 'club' is only because you say it is.
    This is my opinion, others may not agree.

    I am happy to participate, and will be happy to continue to do so, but not because of some sense of duty to 'the club', but because I find it fun.

    An opinion I have about the number of participants getting smaller.
    Most of us that have been here a while are looking for certain coins that will help us out or fit into out, although we'll accept just about anything.
    Newbie's are looking for coins, but don't have much to trade (which is a good thing, only collecting what they need).
    Unfortunately it doesn't make for a great experience for the crowd that's been here awhile.

    Nothing against my current partner, but he's 16, new to collecting, doesn't have much to trade & wants to keep the swap to $10!
    I can accommedate him, but is it really worth sending $10 worth of coins? Postage, insurance, delivery confirmation.
    It'll cost more to send than the coin is worth.

    A little disappointing.

    Maybe a minimum limit, or asking what folks are looking for/have to pair up members better?
  • bstat1020bstat1020 Posts: 2,157 ✭✭
    A swap of $10? That is ridiculous. I agree with Aija that a Minimum should be put on the swaps Boom.


  • Musky1011Musky1011 Posts: 3,904 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Boom, I don't want to get into a pissing match, but you're wrong, this is NOT a CLUB.
    It is your swap thread.

    You gathered the information, you pick out the members who will participate & who won't, members come to you with issues, you pick out the partners, etc.

    To somehow think this is a 'club' is only because you say it is.
    This is my opinion, others may not agree.

    I am happy to participate, and will be happy to continue to do so, but not because of some sense of duty to 'the club', but because I find it fun.

    An opinion I have about the number of participants getting smaller.
    Most of us that have been here a while are looking for certain coins that will help us out or fit into out, although we'll accept just about anything.
    Newbie's are looking for coins, but don't have much to trade (which is a good thing, only collecting what they need).
    Unfortunately it doesn't make for a great experience for the crowd that's been here awhile.

    Nothing against my current partner, but he's 16, new to collecting, doesn't have much to trade & wants to keep the swap to $10!
    I can accommedate him, but is it really worth sending $10 worth of coins? Postage, insurance, delivery confirmation.
    It'll cost more to send than the coin is worth.

    A little disappointing.

    Maybe a minimum limit, or asking what folks are looking for/have to pair up members better? >>

    Ten bucks- I would swap with him

    Why not it is all in fun anyways

    Pilgrim Clock and Gift Shop.. Expert clock repair since 1844

    Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA

    http://www.pcgs.com/SetRegistr...dset.aspx?s=68269&ac=1">Musky 1861 Mint Set
  • ajiaajia Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭

    It's not the swapping that's the issue, it's cost of shipping to coin value ratio.
    If I'm on a (very) tight budget, would I want to spend $6-7 to ship a $10 coin?
    Maybe for you the answer is yes, but I would rather buy another coin with that money than spend it on postage.

    Don't worry folks, I have this covered, but in the future maybe sub-groups can be formed stating what type of minimum/maximum swap you'd be interested in.
  • Musky1011Musky1011 Posts: 3,904 ✭✭✭✭
    Just ship a frankie raw in a plain old envelope

    it will get there at a cost of what 39 cents

    Pilgrim Clock and Gift Shop.. Expert clock repair since 1844

    Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA

    http://www.pcgs.com/SetRegistr...dset.aspx?s=68269&ac=1">Musky 1861 Mint Set
  • Just a thought,

    If the swap patrners agree on a low value swap. Shipping insured, with confirmation, could be optional.

    The last thing I shipped was a large bubble envlope, Nh. to La, for .80, if I remember right. Not a swap, so I didn't bother with insurance/confirmation.

    Post "Shipped first class, ??/??/??. instead of posting confirmation numbers.
    (Old man) Look I had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, “That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah”.

    (Priest) BLASPHEMY he said it again, did you hear him?
  • ajiaajia Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭
    Just ship a frankie raw in a plain old envelope it will get there at a cost of what 39 cents

    If the swap patrners agree on a low value swap. Shipping insured, with confirmation, could be optional.

    Exactly my point. I may be over analyzing all of this, but I tend to be 'Black or White'.
    Rules are rules, and shame on me if I should break them. So until a solution is agreed upon, I will have to find my own.

    This will be resolved, and I'm afraid I have steered the topic off what was 'Louie' and his possible return.

    Proof Frankie was sent to my 'partner', first class.
    Can't beat the price. image
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    I know he is a YN and figured it wouldn't hurt you to help make HIS first swap a success - and you did ... and I'm proud of you. image

    First Class Mail with Delivery Confirmation is cheap enough and Common Sense has it that Insurance on such an item certainly is not necessary OR required.

    Since this is MY THREAD, as you adamantly state, I decided that someone ... some other "elder" besides me, should be able to have fun with newcomers every now and then. Great Job!image

    Sorry the YN didn't have what you need for one of your many Registry Sets. You're a better man today for being able to GIVE.

  • << <i>A swap of $10? That is ridiculous. I agree with Aija that a Minimum should be put on the swaps Boom.


    Bstat1020 >>

    If a minimum value is set. How would it be detirmined?

    Face? Melt? Red Book?

    I'm not very confident of my grading ability, and don't have many certified coins.

    I have a Red Book, and would rather call an AU coin FINE, for a swap, instead of vice versa.

    I'm willing to send to a partner, let him check out the coins, and decide what to send in return. But that's not how it's suppose to be done.

    (Old man) Look I had a lovely supper, and all I said to my wife was, “That piece of halibut was good enough for Jehovah”.

    (Priest) BLASPHEMY he said it again, did you hear him?
  • BoomBoom Posts: 10,165
    Good points raised which I hope to address further as time permits.

  • BRdudeBRdude Posts: 1,079 ✭✭✭
    Although I am fairly new to swapping, I'll throw my 2 cents worth in tooimage As far as Louie goes, I am kind of in ajia's way of thinking there. He's been around too long to have to be babysat or even worry about.. I've had no dealings with him, but it's easy to come back after the fact and want to be a heads up guy all of a sudden. JMHOimage
    As far as low value swaps, I thought that was why the pair of folks talked and agreed on an amount. Would we want to not let someone in because they can't afford our "minimum(especially a yn)?? I would hope not, and I think in a situation like that, postage should also be considered. No need for all the bells and whistles, just the basicsimage
    I also, (like Boom) think this is kind of a club isn't it?? We're all part of PCGS collectors club right?? I always tell folks who ask about it that I am part of PCGS collectors club, so I defiinately think it is a club. Does it really matter?? As long as there aren't any "dues", hey, I'm IN!!imageimageimage And if Boom, or anybody else wanted to "formalize it as a "swappers" club, I'm in tooimageimageimage
    Just my thoughtsimage
    AKA kokimoki
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    To protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not soundness of heart. Theodore Roosevelt
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