A GREEDY man is is asking $25,000 to a dealer.A coin that is $125 in ms 68 Red with a pop of 1500 ? If anyone buys this coin for more than $1,500 they should be castrated.Do you really want to know the way I feel ?????
Modern Crap will be the downfall of new collectors who buy Lincoln cents that are put on window sills to tone and then submitted to get high grades.Did you see the 1939 D ms 68 red in the Heritage Signature sale ? It is disintergrating in the holder. Look at the price and demand of Proof 70 DCam modern Lincolns. They will only make more of them.
BTW I blame PCGS for grading a 1995 DDO in ms 69 red and bringing out the greed.I think the publicity is not worth it. The same case for the 2003 cent that they graded ms 70.
I track the pop reports and just looked at the 39-D. You'r right, that 39-D is not the standard you would expect.
I have been putting together a "patient" set of Memorials and your right there also. Someone has doubled the pop of the 2006-D SF 69RD and is trying to release them into the market and it is not going well.
It is also interesting to see the increases in the MS64 and 65's in Memorials, average submitters typically do not learn from their mistakes and just keep trying to have graders ease up versus learning what it takes to make a MS-68 or 69.
Hell, 1100 submissions @ $16 a pop = $17,600...maybe I'd be asking $25K too
To be honest, if I made that pop 1 myself, I can't say I wouldn't ask that kind of money for it. A coin is worth what someone is willing to pay for it, right Stewart??????
When the 70RD memorial cent was made everyone said PCGS would make another 70RD 2003 and they haven't. Who's to say that they will ever make another 69RD 95' DDO?
While any number of us could take the high road I doubt there is not one among us who wouldn't try to get whatever the market would bear. In many cases we would assign the task to a 3rd party so as not to sully our clean images in the process. Darn straight I'd be asking over $1500 and would not be surprised if there were 10 buyers lined up to have first cracks. And I don't have a clue as to what such a coin is ultimately saleable for. Why give the next and largest round of profits to someone who didn't even make the coin?
Blame it all on the Registry set game. And in the process, ain't it a hoot to have a pop 1 MS69 1919 cent during this era? What was that coin worth before REG sets? $1000? $500? $200? Seems to me that it works both ways.
Roadrunner - Do you collect Lincoln memorials ? Do you advise new collectors to pay moon money for common modern coins in a high grade.This is what coin collecting is about today.Wouild you like to advise someone to buy the 2003 Lincoln cent for $73,0000 ?
I am not trying to sell my 1919 cent.I made it and I am keeping it.I COLLECT the finest Lincoln cents.And I'll be the first one to tell you if someone pays moon money for that coin when I sell my set it is NOT a good deal.BTW I paid $2,800 for the coin BEFORE the Set Registry existed.
If I had Bill Gates' money I wouldn't pay 73K for the 2003, nor would I pay 25K for the DDO in 69.
I'm sorry, but a 2003 in 70 is NOT worth moon money! It's worth maybe twice what a 69 is worth and most people couldn't tell the difference. Once you get past 67 you are splitting hairs that can't be seen. For crying out loud IT"S A 2003 COIN made 4 years ago by the BILLIONS!!!!!
I agree with Stewart, it's turned into a crazy game to make a super high grade on a super COMMON coin and try to stick it to a Registery member because we all know it's all about points to the top dogs!
Stewart, I am in 100% agreement with you. But if I was lucky enough to get that MS70 I'd get the most I could for it. We should also get the most for our homes, stocks, and other assets. If I had been alive in the Dutch Tulip mania and a prized bulb sprouted in my garden, I'd have asked moon money for it. Doesn't mean I believe it's worth that. Nor does it mean I recommend it. Should I sell the tulip for $1 knowing that is all it's worth or get the going rate of $10,000? I didn't partake in the beannie baby craze either. My wife sold one for $175 and we both laughed about it.
Who here would sell the MS69 1995/95 for 2X MS68 price and take the high ground?
Stewart, you are correct about EVERYTHING! None of this stuff makes any sense when you look at the incredible numbers minted on Memorial Lincolns. It’s very hard for me to want a PR 70 Memorial, when you can still buy Matte Proofs for less!
Proud recipient of the coveted PCGS Forum "You Suck" Award Thursday July 19, 2007 11:33 PM and December 30th, 2011 at 8:50 PM.
Modern Crap will be the downfall of new collectors who buy Lincoln cents that are put on window sills to tone and then submitted to get high grades.Did you see the 1939 D ms 68 red in the Heritage Signature sale ? It is disintergrating in the holder.
Look at the price and demand of Proof 70 DCam modern Lincolns.
They will only make more of them.
BTW I blame PCGS for grading a 1995 DDO in ms 69 red and bringing out the greed.I think the publicity is not worth it. The same case for the 2003 cent that they graded ms 70.
I have been putting together a "patient" set of Memorials and your right there also. Someone has doubled the pop of the 2006-D SF 69RD and is trying to release them into the market and it is not going well.
It is also interesting to see the increases in the MS64 and 65's in Memorials, average submitters typically do not learn from their mistakes and just keep trying to have graders ease up versus learning what it takes to make a MS-68 or 69.
To be honest, if I made that pop 1 myself, I can't say I wouldn't ask that kind of money for it. A coin is worth what someone is willing to pay for it, right Stewart??????
When the 70RD memorial cent was made everyone said PCGS would make another 70RD 2003 and they haven't. Who's to say that they will ever make another 69RD 95' DDO?
Blame it all on the Registry set game. And in the process, ain't it a hoot to have a pop 1 MS69 1919 cent during this era? What was that coin worth before REG sets? $1000? $500? $200? Seems to me that it works both ways.
Do you advise new collectors to pay moon money for common modern coins in a high grade.This is what coin collecting is about today.Wouild you like to advise someone to buy the 2003 Lincoln cent for $73,0000 ?
I am not trying to sell my 1919 cent.I made it and I am keeping it.I COLLECT the finest Lincoln cents.And I'll be the first one to tell you if someone pays moon money for that coin when I sell my set it is NOT a good deal.BTW I paid $2,800 for the coin BEFORE the Set Registry existed.
To each his own ....se la vie
If I had Bill Gates' money I wouldn't pay 73K for the 2003, nor would I pay 25K for the DDO in 69.
I'm sorry, but a 2003 in 70 is NOT worth moon money! It's worth maybe twice what a 69 is worth and most people couldn't tell the difference. Once you get past 67 you are splitting hairs that can't be seen. For crying out loud IT"S A 2003 COIN made 4 years ago by the BILLIONS!!!!!
I agree with Stewart, it's turned into a crazy game to make a super high grade on a super COMMON coin and try to stick it to a Registery member because we all know it's all about points to the top dogs!
Who here would sell the MS69 1995/95 for 2X MS68 price and take the high ground?
p.s. So who is the GREEDY man (need I ask)?
(Sorta seemed fitting for BOTH threads)