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My ANA purchase.

I spent 2 and 1/2 hours at the show and spent about 10 minutes of that in the US section to sell a 2c piece. For the first time at a show I concentrated on foreign. I learned foreign sellers need to mark up big time like the US sellers certainly to cover the massive overhead. I understand it, just makes it tough to buy when you see the similiar coins from very reputable dealers on ebay for much less in many cases. Saw this coin and couldn't pass it up even though I've seen this coin on ebay for over $100 less than I paid. It didn't matter in this case none on ebay had the personality of this piece. The dealer had mentioned he picked this up at a show in Munich. The first pic is the coin out of direct light. Nice typical greyish color. When the coin is slightly tilted under a light it lights up with colors nicer than I could capture (my picture skills need work) I like the way the river toned an electric blue. The traffic to the show was insane and there was a downpour on the way home including tornado warnings. Still had a real good time and this coin made it all worth while.

No direct light


under a light



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