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I may be in line for $55K.... Do you buy a coin, or.....

UtahCoinUtahCoin Posts: 5,345 ✭✭✭✭✭
Next month I testify in a BIG murder trial in Los Angeles (my 2nd America's Most Wanted Trial in as many years). I am the "star" witness for the prosecution. I was recently informed that a $55K reward is in place for the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the crime.

What to do.... I thought about giving it to the family (if I even apply for it), but they really don't need it. To me the money feels a little "dirty".. If I do apply for it (assuming the person is convicted), and receive it, and then decided to buy a coin (or a few), what would you buy?

I used to be somebody, now I'm just a coin collector.
Recipient of the coveted "You Suck" award, April 2009 for cherrypicking a 1833 CBHD LM-5, and April 2022 for a 1835 LM-12, and again in Aug 2012 for picking off a 1952 FS-902.


  • fcfc Posts: 12,793 ✭✭✭
    55k huh. it would start my new collection in proof half eagles.
  • compromonedascompromonedas Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭
    After changing my name I would get several low pop Lincolns
  • JJMJJM Posts: 8,030 ✭✭✭✭✭
    55k certainly calls for at least a 10K coin or coins.....come on !!!!
    👍BST's erickso1,cone10,MICHAELDIXON,TennesseeDave,p8nt,jmdm1194,RWW,robkool,Ahrensdad,Timbuk3,Downtown1974,bigjpst,mustanggt,Yorkshireman,idratherbgardening,SurfinxHI,derryb,masscrew,Walkerguy21D,MJ1927,sniocsu,Coll3tor,doubleeagle07,luciobar1980,PerryHall,SNMAM,mbcoin,liefgold,keyman64,maprince230,TorinoCobra71,RB1026,Weiss,LukeMarshall,Wingsrule,Silveryfire, pointfivezero,IKE1964,AL410, Tdec1000, AnkurJ,guitarwes,Type2,Bp777,jfoot113,JWP,mattniss,dantheman984,jclovescoins,Collectorcoins,Weather11am,Namvet69,kansasman,Bruce7789,ADG,Larrob37
  • guitarwesguitarwes Posts: 9,252 ✭✭✭

    what protection is given to the witnesses in these cases? You might need to beef up Fort Knox around your residence......Not thinking negative or anything, just realistic.

    Take the $$$, it's offered to you!

    @ Elite CNC Routing & Woodworks on Facebook. Check out my work.
    Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
  • 2 in 2 years, where do you hang out?
    "Everyday above ground is a good day"

  • JJMJJM Posts: 8,030 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>2 in 2 years, where do you hang out? >>

    HA !!!
    👍BST's erickso1,cone10,MICHAELDIXON,TennesseeDave,p8nt,jmdm1194,RWW,robkool,Ahrensdad,Timbuk3,Downtown1974,bigjpst,mustanggt,Yorkshireman,idratherbgardening,SurfinxHI,derryb,masscrew,Walkerguy21D,MJ1927,sniocsu,Coll3tor,doubleeagle07,luciobar1980,PerryHall,SNMAM,mbcoin,liefgold,keyman64,maprince230,TorinoCobra71,RB1026,Weiss,LukeMarshall,Wingsrule,Silveryfire, pointfivezero,IKE1964,AL410, Tdec1000, AnkurJ,guitarwes,Type2,Bp777,jfoot113,JWP,mattniss,dantheman984,jclovescoins,Collectorcoins,Weather11am,Namvet69,kansasman,Bruce7789,ADG,Larrob37
  • UtahCoinUtahCoin Posts: 5,345 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>2 in 2 years, where do you hang out? >>

    The trial in CA is because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time 7.5 years ago. The first was Jordan Allgood who was killed at the coin shop in St George, UT 4 years ago.
    I used to be somebody, now I'm just a coin collector.
    Recipient of the coveted "You Suck" award, April 2009 for cherrypicking a 1833 CBHD LM-5, and April 2022 for a 1835 LM-12, and again in Aug 2012 for picking off a 1952 FS-902.
  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 17,969 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Buy yourself one nice but not horribly expensive coin. Buy each member in your family one nice but not horribly expensive item they would enjoy. Donate the rest to a charity.
  • Buy some coins and stop hanging out in Comptonimage
    Support your local gunslinger, you never know when you'll need him

  • << <i>Buy yourself one nice but not horribly expensive coin. Buy each member in your family one nice but not horribly expensive item they would enjoy. Donate the rest to a charity. >>

    Strike the last sentence and send the rest to me.

  • holeinone1972holeinone1972 Posts: 5,348 ✭✭✭
    Have you met my daughter yet?

    Her name is Charity! image
  • LincolnCentManLincolnCentMan Posts: 5,347 ✭✭✭✭
    If I got 55K out of the blue, I'd probably buy one or two coins totaling 10-12K. I'd put the rest of it against my mortgage.

  • UtahCoinUtahCoin Posts: 5,345 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I'd put the rest of it against my mortgage.

    -David >>

    I am one of those rare Americans that has no debt. The house is paid for, the cars are paid for, zero credit card debt...
    I used to be somebody, now I'm just a coin collector.
    Recipient of the coveted "You Suck" award, April 2009 for cherrypicking a 1833 CBHD LM-5, and April 2022 for a 1835 LM-12, and again in Aug 2012 for picking off a 1952 FS-902.
  • KentuckyJKentuckyJ Posts: 1,871 ✭✭✭

    I wouldn't be in any hurry to buy coins. Cash is King today.


  • TrustNo1TrustNo1 Posts: 1,359
    now that you could be tracked down through this website, I'd use to it relocate.
  • CyStaterCyStater Posts: 681 ✭✭✭

    << <i>The trial in CA is because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time 7.5 years ago. The first was Jordan Allgood who was killed at the coin shop in St George, UT 4 years ago. >>

    Note to self... Don't hang out with UtahCoin

  • DoubleEagle59DoubleEagle59 Posts: 8,261 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hope you get the money!!

    I would buy a whole group of any key date coins in the price range of $1000 to $2000 each. That way, you've got a great collection that will always be in demand and should appreciate nicely over time.
    "Gold is money, and nothing else" (JP Morgan, 1912)

    "“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)

    "I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
  • ShamikaShamika Posts: 18,766 ✭✭✭✭

    Blow 10% of it (after taxes) and save the rest.

    Buyer and seller of vintage coin boards!
  • TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 44,172 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Buy a Fugio Cent and...
    "Mind Your Business" image
  • Have a $55k give away to the first person who can guess the clossing price of gold on July 31st 2007
    I'll have a go at $667.20
  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    I've stayed out of the market the past 18 months as I feel its currently overpriced for truly nice coins. Let it earn some interest and see where the market goes. BTW I am usually wrong about these things. image
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,076 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have you met John Walsh??

    My Hero
  • UtahCoinUtahCoin Posts: 5,345 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Have you met John Walsh??

    My Hero >>

    Never met him. Just some staff people.
    I used to be somebody, now I'm just a coin collector.
    Recipient of the coveted "You Suck" award, April 2009 for cherrypicking a 1833 CBHD LM-5, and April 2022 for a 1835 LM-12, and again in Aug 2012 for picking off a 1952 FS-902.
  • BarryBarry Posts: 10,100 ✭✭✭
    Invest it. Think of your future. Maybe buy a coin coin or two, but I wouldn't spend more than 10%. You know the coin game - when the music stops, you could be the one without a chair.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    If it were me, I'd give half to a charity and blow every dime of the rest on something frivolous and stupid.

    Russ, NCNE
  • do the right thing with it

  • << <i>do the right thing with it >>

    Yeah man, smoke it! image
  • image

    You might want to consider one of these too
    Molon Labe
  • fcfc Posts: 12,793 ✭✭✭
    ppsh are for sprayers. real men used a mp44.
  • 70 rds in 4 secs.
    Molon Labe
  • fcfc Posts: 12,793 ✭✭✭
    ppsh. weapon of choice for all new players on call of duty united offensive :-|
  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 22,627 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd focus on why I testified in the first place but if I really felt "dirty" about helping to put a scumbag away, I wouldn't take any of it.

    HOWEVER...........if you'd have testified for the prosecution either way, why wouldn't you take the money? I just can't fathom why anyone would feel negative about doing what you did. You have every reason to feel good, and no reason to feel bad, money considerations notwithstanding.

    Since Longacre isn't around to tell you this, be sure to set aside at least a third of it for taxes. Put some towards your kid's educations, then buy something nice for your wife.

    Don't worry about buying a coin for yourself. Take care of those who are important to you first, and you will be just fine.image
    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • My son who is just back from Iraq tossed one of these in the river before he left there .
    Molon Labe
  • SwampboySwampboy Posts: 12,930 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What a swell idea for a giveaway!

    I'm in!!!!!!image

    The entertainment can never be overdressed....except in burlesque

  • 57loaded57loaded Posts: 4,967 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Next month I testify in a BIG murder trial in Los Angeles (my 2nd America's Most Wanted Trial in as many years). I am the "star" witness for the prosecution. I was recently informed that a $55K reward is in place for the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the crime.

    What to do.... I thought about giving it to the family (if I even apply for it), but they really don't need it. To me the money feels a little "dirty".. If I do apply for it (assuming the person is convicted), and receive it, and then decided to buy a coin (or a few), what would you buy? >>

    donate it. you will get goose bumps and feel great.

  • MesquiteMesquite Posts: 4,075 ✭✭✭
    I'm with jmski52. If you have any debts - pay them down. You will thank yourself for making such a wise choice.
    There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.
    –John Adams, 1826
  • 777777 Posts: 1,056
    I myself would purchase it ALL in mint state graded gold.. image

  • << <i>ppsh are for sprayers. real men used a mp44. >>

    Real men use a SVD!

    "Everyday above ground is a good day"

  • LeeBoneLeeBone Posts: 4,397 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There has got to be ONE coin you`ve been eyeing up...now is the chance...image
  • PerryHallPerryHall Posts: 45,882 ✭✭✭✭✭
    With that kind of money, you could have the mother of all give aways. Please include me. Thanks. image

    Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
    "Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
    "Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire

  • tightbudgettightbudget Posts: 7,299 ✭✭✭
  • ziggy29ziggy29 Posts: 18,668 ✭✭✭
    I'd probably take $10K as play money, another $10K to charities, and the rest would be saved/invested or for debt reduction.
  • Hmm I'd tell the Feds that you'll take one of those 1933 St Gaudens Double Eagles they're holding instead of the 55K in currency.
  • TCoinsTCoins Posts: 566 ✭✭
    I would buy every member on this board an ASE!
  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 9,968 ✭✭✭✭✭
    While it's great that you're the star witness for the prosecution, isn't there any concern that a perception may arise that a pending 55K reward would bias your testimony?

    I doubt you'll ever see that money. But if you do, and you have no debt as you indicated, then buy whatever the hell turns your crank.

    Me, I'd blow it all on MS70 State quarters.

  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭
    I'd be cautious about "talking outta school", the world is very small, and people talk, defense finds this thread the case is done....

  • << <i>If it were me, I'd give half to a charity and blow every dime of the rest on something frivolous and stupid.

    Russ, NCNE >>

    All the "AH" and "Dot-head" Kennedys 20 grand can buy! image
    FULL Heads RULE!
  • critocrito Posts: 1,735

    << <i>Cash is King.. >>

    Especially if you can print as much of it as you want.

    I'd buy an assortment of Canadian Maple Leafs: gold, silver, platinum and palladium. Maybe even putting some in an IRA.

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