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Whats up with these grades?Is Pcgs using a 100 pt. system?

TennesseeDaveTennesseeDave Posts: 4,770 ✭✭✭✭✭
Look at the bottom two.....Pf 94 and Pf 91
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  • tightbudgettightbudget Posts: 7,299 ✭✭✭
    Those are codes for bodybags.
  • Intersting, My BB were only the #. I had written to the "Prez" and sent in a presidential review asking if they would slab BB coins using the BB #. and a # in ( ) for the grade ,no xf,au or ms just what the coin grade would have been if it did not have a problem.I also suggested they use a different color label. At least the coin would be in a slab. But I received nothing back except the questionable colored coin and no note or response. It will go back to the dealer I bought it from and probably right back on Ebay. To bad they will not slab bb somehow so others will not be ripped of by the the orig dealer selling it over again on Ebay or in his shop.


    PCGS (63)
    *94* Altered Surfaces
    Missing My Life -PSA-Please Watch- 30 seconds could help someone you know

    "If I say something in the woods, and my wife isn't around to hear it. Am I still wrong?"
  • Is it a typo and should be 64 and 61?
    I'd keep playing. I don't think the heavy stuff will be coming down for quite a while!

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