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Learned my Ebay lesson

In all the previous buying and selling we have done on ebay, there has never been a problem. (except people who "forget to pay". Which seems regular.). I am new to coin collecting. This was my second purchase. The auction was listed with two German coins, the one was supposed to be a 1934 E. I recieved a 1934 B. I don't think it was intentional, but I still feel disappointed. What am I supposed to do? I guess it doesn't matter that much because I don't have a 1934 B and I bid on the auction for the other coin, a 1967G 5 mark coin. I didn't spend much at all, mainly shipping. I don't want to buy on Ebay any more. How do you know what you are getting? What do I do? Do any of you buy on Ebay? If not, were do you get a good deal on coins, or am I just over reacting?
I have so much to learn!


  • Wasn't there a return policy stated? I buy on ebay and can not remember that some sort of return policy was not stated, even if it was "no returns accepted"
    Becoming informed but still trying to learn every day!
    1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003

    International Coins
    "A work in progress"

    eBay registered name:
    Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
    e-mail: wayne.whatley@gmail.com
  • I just realized I kept typing 1934 B and it is 1938 B. Sorry.

    I have so much to learn. image
    I have so much to learn!
  • I think you are over reacting a little bit. Most of the dealers on e-bay- at least in my expierience- have been decent people willing to work with you if there was some sort of problem. No established seller wants negative feedback.
    The "trick" to knowing who to deal with on e-bay is to look at the feedback. A rating of 98 or above is desireable. Actually look up what the feedback says, is it just about selling or buying? Is the seller well established (been an e-bay member long,)
    Have you tried to contact the seller and in a normal, mature way to explain the problem?
    Try it and see what happens.
    "I has a bucket." - Minazo.
    Minazo the LOLRUS, 1994-2005
  • Buying coins is my hobby. I buy on ebay and have had few dissapointments. When I have to return I just consider it the cost of my hobby. Some people drink or gamble or smoke, this is my vice and it's cheap considering. Just keep the coin and keep looking for the one you want but try and pay attention who you buy from.
  • Thanks everyone!
    I have so much to learn!
  • I only buy on e-bay from people that have been posting here in these forums awhile or have been recommended by someone I trust. Never from a stranger.
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