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6-Day Turnaround For Ike Crossover Batch!

Fastest one I've ever had!image.....All coins are/were NGC.

Order #20119305 / Submission #3555956
Line # Item # Cert # PCGS No. CoinDate Denomination Variety Country Grade
1 1 13405519 7409 1972 $1 Type 3 US DNC
2 1 13405520 7406 1971 $1 US DNC
3 1 13405521 87409 1972 $1 Type 1 US DNC
4 1 13405522 97409 1972 $1 Type 2 US MS64
5 1 13405523 7409 1972 $1 Type 3 US MS65
6 1 13405524 7410 1972-D $1 US MS66

Total Items: 6

Date Received: 7/27/2007

Date Shipped: 8/02/2007


I Love image Variety & Error Ikes! image


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    19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,487 ✭✭✭✭
    Wow! 3 out of 6 ain't too bad!

    I'm sure you'll get a nice little profit on those that crossed as well!

    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
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    what's the grade (ngc) on the 71p
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    GandyjaiGandyjai Posts: 1,380 ✭✭
    << what's the grade (ngc) on the 71p ?>>

    Both line #1 and 2 were NGC MS66......:-)

    <<I'm sure you'll get a nice little profit on those that crossed as well>>

    Not really that much after you take into effect how many Ikes I had aquire and go through to
    find ones this nice! :-(


    I Love image Variety & Error Ikes! image

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