Another Newbie Question...

First of all, thanks for all of your tips on how to begin (From my other post) I'll update you if and when I get a MD...
Here's a question though. How deep does a MD read? Do different sounds appear for different metals? Any other answers to basic questions would help also. Thanks.
Here's a question though. How deep does a MD read? Do different sounds appear for different metals? Any other answers to basic questions would help also. Thanks.
Top of the line unit may hit a coin at 12 inch...6 to 8 inch would be good on a mid range unit.
I have got a wheat cent at 5 to 6 inch on my Prizm 2!
>>Do different sounds appear for different metals?<<
On the better units--Yes. Tone ID is nice.
As for depth in general, a lot depends on the machine, but a lot depends on the hunting environment. Sand will typically be depth friendly, giving a MDist an inch or two of extra depth. General rule, the harder the ground, the swallow the readings, but this isn't necessarily the case. I live in hard Georgia clay, and frequently detect at 9 inches, even deeper for larger relics. Hope this helps.