A big fire in town (picture added)

last week, took out the old Lufkin mill where they made wooden measuring sticks. They made yardsticks and loggers scale rules among other things. After the fire a bucket loader was needed to push some of the debris back into the hole. In doing so fresh "old dirt" was exposed. So I thought why not try it. I found a 1966 Qtr. and a wheelbarrow load of big bolts. But best of all I found my first button. Not sure how it was used but it's heavy and the size of a dime and has "MC" on the front and the same in much smaller letters on the back along with remains of some type of fastener. "MC" would stand for Maine Central RR as it was next to the tracks, I'll try for a picture later.
"If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
Now about the thing I thought was a button, I've decided it might be a thingy that was used to seal a door on a boxcar. It feels very heavy and I think it might have had a wire attached to it and this "button" sealed the wire into it. much the same as a seal on your electric meter on your house.
I took 2 pictures of it last night but it is quite dark. I load it later tonight if I still have internet connection, it's been down sporadiacally for 5 days now and I'm getting tired of it.