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ICG grades back (14 of 21 coins)

Called ICG and found out that 2 of my 3 sets of 7 were done and shipping, so they gave me my grades over the phone. I know that ICG has a bad reputation on high-grade modern U.S., but on classic material they seem to be fairly tight. I have some pre-submission pictures of some of the coins. I'll reshoot them all once I have the slabs in hand.

Most of these are keepers for my toner collection, so I'm not shattered if some of the technical grades don't meet expectations, but there were a few coins that made me say image

French Indo-China 10c 1922. I bought this one from Dimitri and thought for sure it would make 65. ICG MS64

Bavaria 2 Marks 1911-D. I thought MS64+. ICG MS63

Bavaria 2 Marks 1911-D. I thought MS62-63. ICG MS63

Netherlands 2.5 Cents 1912. I wasn't sure on this one. The sheen and color is lovely. I thought it would make 63. ICG MS61


Siberia Polushka 1764 KM N2. I doubted that this one was authentic. If it were it would make VF or so. No-grade: Environmental damage. I asked ICG how authentication was handled in their certification process, i.e., if the coin is bodybagged do I know anything about the authenticity of the coin? I was told that ICG authenticates first, before grading, meaning that if the coin was counterfeit, the no-grade would be for being nonauthentic. Only if the coin is authentic is it then graded. So there is a silver lining... that makes the grading fee worthwhile to me.

Chile 20 Centavos 1893. Major disappointment, although I still love the color. ICG AU58.


Ireland 10p Bank Token 1813. I thought it was AU with an outside shot at UNC (possible strike weakness on reverse). ICG AU55


Great Britain 1/2d 1841. Scuffy, so I figured AU58. I really didn't care what it came back as, since I wanted to encapsulate it more for protection than anything else. ICG MS62


Italy Lira 1867 MBN. BLEAGH!! I think it's a 64... but no PL??? This thing has full mirrors damnit! ICG MS63


Germany 25 Pfennig 1909-D Proof. I didn't think it would holder, but Larry was certain it would... he was right. ICG PR64

Great Britain Florin 1911. One of the most lovely toned coins in my collection. What I didn't know is that it's a proof. ICG PR63


Austria - Kuttenberg 24 Kreuzer 1619. I bought it as an EF but thought it had a shot at AU... nah. ICG EF40. These have taken a HUGE jump in price between the 2nd and 3rd edition 17th-century Krause.

The last really 2 surprised me... one in a negative way and one in a positive way.

Canada 50 Cents 1894. One of the key dates of the series. I predicted VG10 possibly F12. No grade: cleaned. I'll have to take a real close look at this one, as it has a very natural original look. Luckily with it being a lower-grade key date, it shouldn't make too much of a difference ultimately.

Great Britain 1/2 Crown 1707-E. I bought it as an EF (by U.S. standards) but it still has quite a bit of lustre... ICG AU50. KA-CHING! imageimage

14 down, 7 more to go...


  • ajaanajaan Posts: 17,457 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Overall nice grades. ICG can be very tight at times. It is very typical to find Victorian 50c cleaned.

    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

    CU #3245 B.N.A. #428

  • SYRACUSIANSYRACUSIAN Posts: 6,461 ✭✭✭✭
    I didn't think it would holder, but Larry was certain it would... he was right. ICG PR64

    Larry seems to know a lot of things that we, common people, don't. image

    ICG can be very tight at times.

    image Nice thread and coins. image


    DPOTD 3
  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,738 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice coins and grades, CP. Congratulations!
  • Nice coins and images and nice grades.

    Collection Link: myurl
  • BSBS Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭
    I look forward to seeing the 07 Halfcrown.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,658 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That 1841 Brit penny rocks.

    I think they were unnecessarily harsh on your Dutch 2.5 cent- I agree with your 63 assessment. OK, there's some chatter on the reverse. Go 62, to be conservative. But I think of MS61 in context with much more scuffy coins than this.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Who is Larry ?
    The meaning of life ? I don't know but I am sure that coins have something to do with it.

    Zar's Ebay
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