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Does it ever seem like PCGS......

eCoinquesteCoinquest Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭
Does it ever seem like PCGS starts grading a coin in one grade easy and if the grade turns out to be rare they grade most later submissions "tougher". For example, I submitted a large group of 2007 Sac Dollars when they were first released and received most in MS68 and now I sent another group and received ALL MS67 or lower. As for the 07 D Sacs I received no higher grade than MS66!!!!!!
Comparing one of the earlier (first release) 07 P MS68s to a more recent (later) MS67 the coins look identical!!!!
This is a list of all of the coins I received back!!!
1 1 11708829 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS66
1 2 11708830 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS66
1 3 11708831 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS66
1 4 11708832 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS66
1 5 11708833 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS66
1 6 11708834 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS66
1 7 11708835 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS66
1 8 11708836 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US Damage or Tooling
1 9 11708837 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS65
1 10 11708838 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS66
1 11 11708839 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US Damage or Tooling
1 12 11708840 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS66
1 13 11708841 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS65
1 14 11708842 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS65
1 15 11708843 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS65
1 16 11708844 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS66
1 17 11708845 149564 2007-D SAC$1 US MS65
2 1 11708846 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS66
2 2 11708847 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS66
2 3 11708848 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS66
2 4 11708849 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS67
2 5 11708850 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS67
2 6 11708851 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS66
2 7 11708852 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS66
2 8 11708853 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS67
2 9 11708854 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS67
2 10 11708855 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS67
2 11 11708856 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS67
2 12 11708857 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS67
2 13 11708858 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS66
2 14 11708859 149562 2007-P SAC$1 US MS67

What do you think?????image


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    fcfc Posts: 12,789 ✭✭✭
    damage or tooling on a 2007 coin?
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    DoogyDoogy Posts: 4,508
    how did you get a 'damage or tooling' BB on a brand new coin? as for the grades, i don't know what to think
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    eCoinquesteCoinquest Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭
    I guess it happened when the Mint packaged the coins. But they should not be selling damaged coins.image
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    StampAlarmStampAlarm Posts: 1,668

    << <i>how did you get a 'damage or tooling' BB on a brand new coin? as for the grades, i don't know what to think >>

    I got a Kennedy back BB with damage/tooling. It turned out to be some sort of counting mark.

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    ebaytraderebaytrader Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Does it ever seem like PCGS starts grading a coin in one grade easy and if the grade turns out to be rare they grade most later submissions "tougher". For example, I submitted a large group of 2007 Sac Dollars when they were first released and received most in MS68 and now I sent another group and received ALL MS67 or lower. As for the 07 D Sacs I received no higher grade than MS66!!!!!! >>

    What you are suggesting is that PCGS changes its grading standards on the fly. Can't be since HRH has repeated many times on these boards that that simply does not happen (please do not bring up MS70 silver eagle grading).
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    eCoinquesteCoinquest Posts: 1,485 ✭✭✭
    I firmly believe that the PCGS graders are affected by the knowledge that a coins pop report is low so they think that the coins they are grading can't be the top grade or higher. It may not be on purpose but maybe absent-mindedly???
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    ziggy29ziggy29 Posts: 18,668 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I firmly believe that the PCGS graders are affected by the knowledge that a coins pop report is low so they think that the coins they are grading can't be the top grade or higher. It may not be on purpose but maybe absent-mindedly??? >>

    And low pops translate to major liability with a grade guarantee. Why do you think there are so many MS-61 1884-S Morgans that look better than MS-63 1884-O Morgans?
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    RussRuss Posts: 48,515 ✭✭✭
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    JulioJulio Posts: 2,501
    Capitalism at work. Nothing wrong with that.

    Effective marketing is crucial.

    CYA; Priceless. jwsimage.
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    MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    What was the receive date and the type of service???
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

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    al410al410 Posts: 2,402 ✭✭✭✭
    I personally do not believe that the PCGS graders conspire to undergrade or over grade any coin, what I do think is that they are humans and may see a coin differently from one day to another, I mean keep in mind we are talking about grading a coin 65 or 64. and thru out those grades there are HI end 64's and low end 65's. Ask for opinions from the many VERY experienced people on these boards and you will often times get alot of different opinions as some see different things on a coin. There is a reason that PCGS graded coins most of the time command more money then other TPG's. I do not mean to say that I agree with all grades issued by PCGS however "monday morning quarterbacking" is not the same as actually being in the game and PCGS definatly holds there graders to a very high standard.

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    tahoe98tahoe98 Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I personally do not believe that the PCGS graders conspire to undergrade or over grade any coin, what I do think is that they are humans and may see a coin differently from one day to another, I mean keep in mind we are talking about grading a coin 65 or 64. and thru out those grades there are HI end 64's and low end 65's. Ask for opinions from the many VERY experienced people on these boards and you will often times get alot of different opinions as some see different things on a coin. There is a reason that PCGS graded coins most of the time command more money then other TPG's. I do not mean to say that I agree with all grades issued by PCGS however "monday morning quarterbacking" is not the same as actually being in the game and PCGS definatly holds there graders to a very high standard.

    AL >>

    well said.
    "government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is a force! like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington

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