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~ Southern Silver Type Set™ ~ Tracking Thread

CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,077 ✭✭✭✭✭
Well, after some thought I've decided to sell off the handfull of coins in my AU 19th Century Type Set and go ahead and do this Southern Silver Type Set™ instead. I'm pretty excited about it and think it should be very fun and take a good amount of time to complete. If I've compiled the list correctly it should be every type of silver U.S. coin produced at the New Orleans Mint. Also, since there were no silver coins produced at the Dahlonega and Charlotte facilities this set will be every single type of U.S. silver coin ever minted in the south. When a new coin is obtained I'll post pics to this thread. All of the coins will range from VF20-VF35 and will have a nice eye appealing crust. This is going to be fun.


$1 Morgan ~ 1888O PCGS VF20
$1 Seated No Motto

50¢ Barber
50¢ Seated Drapery ~ 1859O PCGS VF25
50¢ Seated Arrows & Rays
50¢ Seated Arrows
50¢ Capped Bust Reeded Edge

25¢ Barber
25¢ Seated No Dapery
25¢ Seated Drapery, No Motto
25¢ Seated Arrows & Rays
25¢ Seated Arrows
25¢ Seated Motto

10¢ Barber
10¢ Seated No Stars
10¢ Seated Stars, No Drapery
10¢ Seated Stars & Drapery ~ 1851O PCGS VF30
10¢ Seated Arrows
10¢ Seated Legend Obverse

H10¢ Seated No Stars
H10¢ Seated Stars, No Drapery
H10¢ Seated Stars & Drapery
H10¢ Seated Arrows
H10¢ Seated Legend Obverse

3¢ Silver Type 1


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