Best Finds In Your Backyard?

What are the best finds you guys have found in your backyard and NO im not talking about your 100acre land or even 5 acre land lol. Im talking about the average house with an acre or less. Well please elaborate what kind of signals were you getting if you remember? How deep was the item?
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wheat cents
house built 1959
Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA">Musky 1861 Mint Set
I've been living on 213 acres hidden in the suburbs of Atlanta (out of place, I know) for the past couple of months, but I'm leaving the area in August. Since being here I've found some neat stuff, including:
a 14k yellow gold and sterling silver ring (badly smashed), a sterling ring, sterling religious pendants, tons of clad, earrings, wheats, tokens, 19th century farming equipment, buttons, tons of Boy Scout items, foreign money, pocket watch parts, among other odds and ends. Last night I found a leather working stamp of a bear, extremely detailed, by the Craftool Company. It's a discontinued stamp, but very cool. One of my favorite finds.
I guess my favorite finds aren't the most valuable, but I really think they're cool.
I've yet to find any silver coins though, and that's surprising being that the land I'm living on is a 160 + year old homestead. I really thought this place would give up some oldies. As of yet, it has not.
Here's a pic of the Next Time Dime and the leather stamp, I really like these finds for no other reason than I think they're cool.
A 1962 Memorial cent.
The house, built in 1955, was a one story ranch on about an acre of land.
Beneath a big tree in the back yard, I found an 1887-S Seated Liberty dime. Needless to say I was thrilled that my first silver coin was so old, and an S-mint to boot. I spent quite a bit of time wondering if it was a random drop from before the house was built, or if a previous owner had lost it while planting the tree.
The rest of the yard had nothing so good...mostly wheaties and memorials, and no other silver.
The X-Wife took it!!!
Lafayette Grading Set
Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
NOTE: no caps
I did find about $30 in clad where the trampoline used to be.
I found a 1954 quarter in the back yard
of a house I owned years ago. It was
built in the 1950's. I had (and still have)
a cheap Radio Shack detector, that I used.
Also in the yard of that house, I found an
old brass dog tag that used an obsolete
name of that part of town, a handfull of
wheat cents, all bunched together, and
another wheat cent that was actually sitting
on top of the ground in an area underneath
a big tree where we never could get the grass
to grow.
That yard was pretty much the only place I
ever went detecting, except once I went
to my Grandmothers house, and took a
swipe at a place where my Grandfather
had built the kids a sandbox back in the
late 50s. I found a wheat cent and a
little toy car, about the size of a Hot Wheels
car, but much older.
I couldn't think of anywhere else to go
where I wouldn't feel like I was trespassing,
so I retired the detector, but reading this
forum, makes me want to buy a new machine,
and get back out there again!!
"America suffers today from too much pluribus and not enough unum.".....Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
Ah!! A true fan of Mike Patton and company, I see!!
"America suffers today from too much pluribus and not enough unum.".....Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
I wish I had a detector back then! I wish I had that house now!
If able, go back to the house. Tell the current owner of your personal history of the house. Heck, tell them you lost a sentimental item or two and ask permission to look for it. I'm welcome back any time to my old house. Naturally, be sure to fill your holes, etc. etc.
We used to find all sorts of cool stuff back in the woods behind our house - old clay bricks, an old still, old corner stones, even an old, dried-up well about 5 feet across and a good 15-20 feet deep. I can only imagine what was down that thing, but today all that land behind our old house is a bunch of patio homes (disgusting) and the old well is likely filled in and covered by a house. It's a shame, because the woods back there were absolutely beautiful.
Old pics from a year or two ago, sorry:
Here's a somewhat better set of pics I took tonight...
Good trades with: DaveN, Tydye, IStillLikeZARCoins, Fjord, Louie, BRdude
Good buys from: LordMarcovan, Aethelred, Ajaan, PrivateCoinCollector, LindeDad, Peaceman, Spoon, DrJules, jjrrww
Good sale to: Nicholasz219
Your "1970s construction worker" theory might be close- my uncle had a similar piece in the late 1970s. (A cast pewter copy, unmarked as such). I suspect a lot of them were cranked out during the Bicentennial era, but some of these might be older copies than that, perhaps predating the 1973 Hobby Protection Act that required the "copy" stamp on replica coins.
Were I to speculate on how it ended up in a crawlspace, my theory would involve a kid. I remember playing with my uncle's replica piece at age 12 or so.
That coin began my recordkeeping- all of the coins I dug with an old TR detector back in the 1980s were lost during my nomadic post-high school and college years. Since finding that Mexican coin, I have kept records.
That yard produced a 1935 Wheatie and a few from the 1940s and 1950s, but no silver. Still, back in those heady beginner days, I got psyched over digging a Wheat cent.