Woohoo! Bought my first invert!

in Stamps Forum
Never really spent much time going after any of the 19th-century revenue inverts, but given the annual rate at which U.S. revenues continue to increase, I figure I'd better grab one while they're still reachable.
While this example isn't the greatest from a centering perspective (these are virtually impossible to find with VF centering), it's a nice uncancelled example. The horizontal line that looks to possibly be a scuff or crease to the right of George Washington's eyes is actually a huge chunk of wood in the pulp of the paper itself. Not uncommon in these granite papers.
While this example isn't the greatest from a centering perspective (these are virtually impossible to find with VF centering), it's a nice uncancelled example. The horizontal line that looks to possibly be a scuff or crease to the right of George Washington's eyes is actually a huge chunk of wood in the pulp of the paper itself. Not uncommon in these granite papers.

you are a lucky man,i bet these dont come up very often,so good on you for aquiring
your 1st invert,with many more to follow.I noticed you dont have a link to your revenue stamps
on this posting.I found it but ive got a question for you.Is there anyone elses bust shot on internal
revenue stamps????thats isnt washington?I only ask this cause ive found a 5c reddish/brown imperf ,that has someone else on it.it has a handwritten cancel.looks like R.M.& co.& something else written on top & something i cant read on bottom part.i can get a scan if u need to see it.
thanks kiwidude (peter) from down under
Post 1890, there are *many* revenues that depict people other than Washington... in fact many famous Americans depicted on 20th-century revenues are not found anywhere else...
1/2 Cents
U.S. Revenue Stamps