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When eBay pics simply don't do coins justice (PICS)

And yet another example of how a flatbed scanner is simply not an option if you ever want to convey accurate color.

I speculated that both of these coins would look better in hand... and I was right. image

First, one of my favorite series and dates when it comes to toned pieces: British silver from 1887. The 6d and shillings are often quite colorful. They're cheap too, comparatively speaking.

Auction pics:


Coin in hand:


Next, another one of my favorite types. I must have a 10-15 examples of the 2M and 3M in various grades and proofs. These apparently were squirreled away at a relatively high rate, since there are a fair number of nicely toned examples out there.

Kudos to the seller for at least using a camera instead of a scanner, but still, the pictures only hint at the actual color of the coin. I paid a bit over Krause UNC for the coin even though it's a bit beat up with respect to technical grade, but I suspected that there was some very nice color in there. A nice bonus is that the fields are prooflike.

Auction pics:


Coin in hand:



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