I agree with Colebear. It's no The Natural, Field of Dreams, Eight Men Out, or Bull Durham......... but I like all baseball movies and it was mildly entertaining.
Actually, the only movie related to baseball I thought was totally stupid was The Fan. How could DeNiro stoop so low??
I thought it was pretty funny when he called the manager Moo-cow because he didnt want to take the time to pronounce his name
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>Yup, and 'Pedro Cerrano' is in it. >>
He is?
Cool! I dont remember , I saw it when it came out.
1994 Pro Line Live
<< <i>Yup, and 'Pedro Cerrano' is in it. >>
True, Hammer and Pedro are both Dennis.
I agree with Colebear. It's no The Natural, Field of Dreams, Eight Men Out, or Bull Durham.........
but I like all baseball movies and it was mildly entertaining.
Actually, the only movie related to baseball I thought was totally stupid was The Fan.
How could DeNiro stoop so low??
<< <i>didnt upper deck make a card of tom selleck for the movie, back in the 90's? >>
1994 Pro Line Live