Drunky the Clown annoys Pujols the egomaniac
I have been ranting for a long time on this board about what a classless self-promoting prima donna fraud Pujols is. Just another example:
Tony may have had one too many again and forget Pujols was on the bench
Personally I think he should have gotten in the game seeing he was the only Cardinal representative, but that being said it is the managers perogative and Pujols once again opens his big "It's all about me" trap.
FrankHardy and Fandago are great collectors and contributors on this board, but gentlemen I live in St. Louis and having to hear about him and his ego constantly leaves me no doubt he is a TOOL.
I hope your Pujols collections rise high in value and someday you can make a fortune off it. As a person he is a jackass. Just because he throws a few crumbs to charity does not make him Mother Teresa or even Cal Ripken. Carl Icahn did the same.
Tony may have had one too many again and forget Pujols was on the bench
Personally I think he should have gotten in the game seeing he was the only Cardinal representative, but that being said it is the managers perogative and Pujols once again opens his big "It's all about me" trap.
FrankHardy and Fandago are great collectors and contributors on this board, but gentlemen I live in St. Louis and having to hear about him and his ego constantly leaves me no doubt he is a TOOL.
I hope your Pujols collections rise high in value and someday you can make a fortune off it. As a person he is a jackass. Just because he throws a few crumbs to charity does not make him Mother Teresa or even Cal Ripken. Carl Icahn did the same.
Go czar....
CDsNuts, 1/9/15
Fire him, please
Edited to clarify: It can be either or both of them, I don't care
Or Regional Canadian Baseball Issues?
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far out
Of course, if Mussina or Pujols showed up at your doorsteps, I'm sure you would all be frothing at the mouth and scurrying around looking for some cards or other memorabilia to get autographed.
Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards
My PSA Registry Sets
34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
<< <i>Just because he throws a few crumbs to charity does not make him Mother Teresa or even Cal Ripken. >>
Wait a minute... did he just compare Cal Ripken to Mother Teresa? CLASSIC!!
Everyone has a story about meeting their favorite athlete and it being a memorable experience.
But how many of us will ever have a story about telling one of the best players in the game to GTF off my porch?
you are joking aren't you? i may scurrying to call the police to tell them that some unwanted is ringing my doorbell. but if pujols couldn't play baseball he may have ended up delivering pizzas so he could have expericence in the doorstep industry.
I love all the rants about players based on one or two incidents which seem to mark them for life. I wonder how demure we would be if we had the spotlight on us the way these guys do. Thankfully I don't have the press following me around 24/7 otherwise I'd be in the same boat, probably a heck of a lot worse.
Well let's see in the last year we have had:
Pujols on Glavine
Pujols on Howard
Pujols on Marquis
And now this to his own manager, on a team that is struggling to stay alive this season. There are only so many times you can apologize and say you were misqouted. Not in the Pacman Jones category, but certainly not a class person.
To me that is not an isolated incident it is a clear pattern.
I don't know anything about Mussina as a person, but he's long been a reliable through-the mail autograph signer, even to his home, and without charging a fee -- pretty unusual for a player of his stature. So, I just want to give him props (as the kids say these days) for that. If he is a crybaby, at least he's a fan-friendly one.
<< <i>If Pujols showed up on my doorstep, I'd tell him to pound sand.
Everyone has a story about meeting their favorite athlete and it being a memorable experience.
But how many of us will ever have a story about telling one of the best players in the game to GTF off my porch?
But I would also have a lawyer's phone number handy.
2. I dislike them both, so this is fun for me. Kind of reminds me of the mid 80's verbal shots Whitey Herzog and Keith Hernandez threw at each other.
<< <i>Well let's see in the last year we have had:
Pujols on Glavine
Pujols on Howard
Pujols on Marquis
And now this to his own manager, on a team that is struggling to stay alive this season. There are only so many times you can apologize and say you were misqouted. Not in the Pacman Jones category, but certainly not a class person.
To me that is not an isolated incident it is a clear pattern. >>
3. The Glavine thing ended him, for me. Previously, I had him pegged as a Carlos Delgado type, a conscientious and self aware guy who was a credit to the game. Instead, he's shown himself to be more akin to Roberto Alomar.
"where you upset you didnt get into the game tonight..."with
"no, im glad i didnt get in, i wanted two days of rest....." what would you say.....
you would say he was being selfish and he only cared about himself and not the team (something Bondz showed by not participating in the HR derby)....you would say he didnt have any National league Pride and he missed a chance to give th Cardinals home field advantage.....
BUT, he didnt say that...instead he said something like, "ya im upset i didnt get it, i was ready and loose, i was ready to go! I wanted to help the team win"
SO why the hoopla?
what really happened is this.....
Larussa saw Pujols swing harder than he has all year, and we all know what a HR derby can do to a players second half...
Pujols made his All-star appearance in the Derby by smacking 2 amazing HR's in a pressure playoff with Morneau...then almost making an amazing 2nd round comeback....Pujols didnt need another cameo on All-star night..he needed a couple days off, to get ready for a BIG 2nd half.....
Pujols was told by Larussa he would not be playing, and they got screwed how that game came down to 1 at-bat in the end...Larussa stuck with the plan, and it made Pujols' unrehearsed post -game remarks seem harsh...
Tony and Albert are on the same page, its just that Pujols is asked Loaded questions and he doesnt know how to answer them Jeter-like.....
Pujols April 2007 Charity Event
As far as Pujols "throwing a few crumbs at charites", just read about his ADA trip to the Dominican last april (he does it every year)....ask me if he throws money at some people to get stuff done, or he himself lifts the heaviest boxes at 6:00 AM off the truck and into the clinics and pays for everything...
edited to add: this is such a BS news story....Pujols and Larussa never got into an argument...the press took 2 interviews from 2 different people (larussa and Pujols) edited the interviews together, to make it seem like they were fighting....
a reporter asks Larussa, " so you think Pujols will be upset for not being in the game?" Larussa answers: "If he wants to get upset, he can get upset," La Russa said. "Whatever he wants to do, he can do. It's America. That wasn't the most important thing tonight."
Poortjob on ESPN's part for almost fabricating this story on the quitest sports news day of the year....they have nothing else so lets edit 2 interviews to make it look like a feud ...please...
czar, pujols is the best baseball player on the planet...do you expect his ego to be small? his ego is nowhere close to some of those pimpim, gun tottin football pimp wannabees....
athletes should be measured by the company they keep and the weapons they possess...HOW COULD YOU LUMP PUJOLS IN THE CATEGORY OF MOST OF THE THUG STARS IN OTHER SPORTS???? please the guy doesnt even drink, you think he owns a gun, or has a posse?
please open your eyes czar, you make dislike the guy but dont make him out to be what he is not....
It's not, and continues to show he has yet to accept his role as a leader.
<< <i>pujols is the best baseball player on the planet... >>
Actually, Arod is considerably better. Lets compare their 2007 stats, shall we?
Runs: Pujols 50, Arod 72
Hits: Pujols 96, Arod 101
Doubles: Pujols 16, Arod 21
Homeruns: Pujols 16, Arod 30
RBI: Pujols 52, Arod 86
Stolen Bases: Pujols 1, Arod 9
Avg: Pujols .310, Arod .317
SLG: Pujols .516, Arod .665
So my question is this.....What planet are you on?
and we here in NY know that Arod is all fluff and no substance....let him do it when it counts before you proclaim him best on planet..Pujols has already shown hes as clutch as they get...AROD, is actually known as one of the worst clutch players....yes Arod may have the numbers so far this year, but ask most people (and Lidge) who would you rather not face with the game on the line AROD or Pujols...its not even close my friend....
edited to add, Arod was being run out of town before his hot start saved him.....
<< <i>a half a year does not a season make....
and we here in NY know that Arod is all fluff and no substance....let him do it when it counts before you proclaim him best on planet..Pujols has already shown hes as clutch as they get...AROD, is actually known as one of the worst clutch players....yes Arod may have the numbers so far this year, but ask most people (and Lidge) who would you rather not face with the game on the line AROD or Pujols...its not even close my friend....
edited to add, Arod was being run out of town before his hot start saved him..... >>
Slumping or not, no one ever wants to face Albert with the game on the line.
<< <i>Where in the heck are frankhardy and fandango? Bump to the top! >>
I just got done telling Mr Pujols to GET OFF MY PORCH! Then he yelled back, "Fine, then. I'll just go to Fandango's!"
St Louis Post Dispatch
Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
<< <i>
Slumping or not, no one ever wants to face Albert with the game on the line. >>
FYI, the American League doesn't care what donkey they send up...............
....remember Baseball players are a superstitous group....maybe Larussa WANTED to lose that game!!
<< <i>good point i forgot to mention, The Cardinals won the World Series last year without home field advantage..
....remember Baseball players are a superstitous group....maybe Larussa WANTED to lose that game!! >>
I'll believe that when me chit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet.
I see the planet your on also voted Pujols the (2006) MVP. That's funny...on my plant, another first basemen got it.
Funny, I remember Pujols crying about that, too.
In fact, in the World Series, he wasn't even the MVP of his own team, much less the league. Pujols hit .200, had 1 HR and 2 RBI in the World Series. That's pretty clutch.
I don't discount that he's a great player, but to call him the best player on the planet is likened to a 10 year old buying his father a "World's Greatest Father" tshirt for Father's day.
<< <i>.yes Arod may have the numbers so far this year, but ask most people (and Lidge) who would you rather not face with the game on the line AROD or Pujols...its not even close my friend....
edited to add, Arod was being run out of town before his hot start saved him..... >>
It's not just Arod having the numbers this year. He'll be the youngest to 500 HRs and, barring significant injury, is well on his way to 800. As far as the Lidge comment goes, can you tell me again who won that series? And that Pujols went 0-4 in the crucial game 6?
It's this type of 'clutch' talk that drives me crazy (and I don't just mean Pujols, who's a fantastic hitter). Everyone remembers the dramatic home run, everyone forgets that he goes 0-4 in the game, and that his team lost the series. Or that Pujols batted all of .200 in the world series.
<< <i>It would be one thing if this were the first time he acted out like a spoiled child.
It's not, and continues to show he has yet to accept his role as a leader. >>
I'm guessing you don't follow the Cards day in and day out.
<< <i>
<< <i>
I'm guessing you don't follow the Cards day in and day out. >>
And I'm guessing that you may be too close to the situation to realize this isn't the first time he's spoken his disdain through the media. If you have an issue with your manager, what possible good could it do to act like this and go after LaRussa through the media? Wouldn't a more appropriate situation have been to go to him, privately, and speak his mind?
And again, this would be fine, but time and again he acts like a spoiled brat. As the links elsewhere in this thread indicate, he's simply incapable of tipping his cap when another player has a better day...calling pitchers 'lucky' when they get a win against them or saying that Howard didn't deserve the MVP because it should be a player from a playoff team.Where was the criticism in 2004 when Bonds won it and the Giants didn't make the playoffs?
<< <i>Pujols has already shown hes as clutch as they get... >>
.267 lifetime in the World Series, including just .200 last year, argues otherwise*.
* - Note that this is not an argument against Pujols being clutch, just an argument against him being "as clutch as they get".
if pujols didnt homer in the final week of last season, to win the game for the Cardinals, and that being the ONLY game they won the entire last week, and then go on to make the playoffs by 1 game, and basically back into the playoffs, then that is clutch...did you see that game, cause i did....
pujols made an impact in NLCS early ,as he did early in the world series...he sets the tone for the team and the series, and then the pitchers are afraid like little school girls and walk him, especially in later games : they said "we are not going to let Albert beat us!" Willie randolph gave more respect to Pujols than he would to Ruth....he would only pitch to him with no runners on base...
<< <i>
<< <i>Pujols has already shown hes as clutch as they get... >>
.267 lifetime in the World Series, including just .200 last year, argues otherwise*.
* - Note that this is not an argument against Pujols being clutch, just an argument against him being "as clutch as they get". >>
ok why dont you look at OBA instead, since that is more accurate of a hitters abilities especially in a smaller sample series..
2002 Division series .300 avg .461 OBA
2002 NLCS .313 avg .333 OBA 1 HR
2004 NLCS .333 avg .411 OBA 2 HRS
2004 WS .333 avg .375 OBA
2005 Division Series .556 avg .692 OBA
2006 Division Series .333 avg .375 OBA 1 HR
2006 NLCS .482 OBA 1 HR
2006 WS .400 OBA 1 HR
so you see, if you look beyond the obvious numbers, you see Pujols has fared well in Playoff baseball...Just as he has in the regular season...that is what makes Pujols so Great ...his consistency...if Pujols bats .318 32 Hr 102 Rbi 100 Runs this year i will call it a success...he has no supporting cast and he is pitched around constantly in pressure situations....
Like ARod does/is.
<< <i>Willie randolph gave more respect to Pujols than he would to Ruth.... >>
I hope your wife's name is Ruth, because to imply that Pujols requires more respect than the Babe really speaks volumes for your overall incompetence and fanboyness.
<< <i>
<< <i>Willie randolph gave more respect to Pujols than he would to Ruth.... >>
I hope your wife's name is Ruth, because to imply that Pujols requires more respect than the Babe really speaks volumes for your overall incompetence and fanboyness. >>
i said that was the way Willy was treating him, i didnt say that was my opinion....
<< <i>
<< <i>Willie randolph gave more respect to Pujols than he would to Ruth.... >>
I hope your wife's name is Ruth, because to imply that Pujols requires more respect than the Babe really speaks volumes for your overall incompetence and fanboyness. >>