What should I do with these?

I have a big bag of wrappers from 1981-1985. I am not exactly sure what I have here as back in the day I saved everything! I did chew the gum though. When I first joined the CU board and saw Steph's post about topping a bar I almost sent these to it. I guess I may just throw these in the trash. I think there may be at least a 1000+ of these in the bag. What should I do with these? The Bar idea was actually cool I thought. Any ideas? Mike
USN 1977-1987 * ALL cards are commons unless auto'd. Buying Britneycards. NWO for life.
Cut em down to the front panel only and place em in your set, between your raw cards to prevent wear. Or, simply trash 'em, 'cause they WILL reappear again to ruin some poor Schmuck's day