New surprise grade from PSA

I though I would share my story of my submission to PSA last Dec. I submitted 2 cards separate from my regular submission because they were in GAI cases and I was afraid I would damage the cards. The cards were both 1955 Topps one was Bob Oldis a GAI 6.5, the other was Marv Throneberry GAI 5.5. I submitted them with a min. grade of 5 for both of them to be conservative. The grades came back Oldis a 6 and Throneberry a 5. After upgrading my Throneberry I notice that the old Throneberry was really a nice card and should of been better than a 5, so I open the case and resubmited with my last bunch of cards and it came back a 8! wow! Has this happen to anyone else. I plan to resubmit the Oldis card in my next submission to see if I get a higher grade.
Collecting 1955 Topps BB