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PSA Grading Website.

image I went to the PSA Grading Website to find a Population Report on a 2000 Peyton Manning Gem Mt. card I purchased. However I couldn't seem to get anywhere on the site. All I ever got was an inquiry for my user name and Password and asking if I wanted to join the Platinum Club. Anyone out there know how to get a Pop. Report without having to pay more money?
Working on 1976 Kellogg's, PSA 9 or 10. Feel free to send mail to My Email with any offers on 76 Kellogg's. Go Washington Redskins, Go Oakland A's!!!!!!!!!


  • Maybe "joestalin" can help you out with this question.
  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    CARDSG12 - You must pay to have access to the Pop reports. I believe its $5.00 a month, $49.00 a year or included with your 1 or 2 year membership. Its a good service to have, and I don't mind the fee, since I use it quite often.
    On several occasions , people on the borad post a card they are looking for and someone gives the info. So if its just an isolated case where you need a couple of cards looked up, I or someone else would be happy to give you the info. If its several cards or complete sets like I pour over, it might be worth your while to hook up with them. If you want to reveal the exact Manning 2000 you are looking for, one of us will give you the info. Welcome to the board...jay
  • Well,
    Thanks for the Info. If someone will, let me know what the report is on the 2000 CE EG Uncirculated Peyton Manning Gem Mt. 10 is. I think the card was a boxtopper. I would appreciate it. I harbor no ill feelings towards PSA. I respect them a whole bunch better than any other service around. I told them that in the email I sent them. But they never emailed me back. Any how thanks again guys and if someone would do that, I'll appreciate.
    Working on 1976 Kellogg's, PSA 9 or 10. Feel free to send mail to My Email with any offers on 76 Kellogg's. Go Washington Redskins, Go Oakland A's!!!!!!!!!
  • gameusedhoopgameusedhoop Posts: 3,594 ✭✭✭✭
    If the Manning is card #150 the pop for a PSA 9 is 4741, the pop for a PSA 10 is 260. I think this is the one that you are looking for, there are soooooo.... many sets and singles from 2000.
  • qualitycardsqualitycards Posts: 2,811 ✭✭✭
    GAMEUSED is right, I just checked the pop report and there is 29 different Collectors Edge sets that have been listed, and no doubt Manning is probably in all of them...jay
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