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hobby or retail?

My first question to the Almighty Gallery. I haven't purchased a real box of cards in more than ten years, have got some crap just for the thrill of opening cards but nothing with any value. I have the itch and want to get something decent but I don't want to spend $500 for a box. So first, I can get a box of 2000 or 2001 sp authentic and chase a Brady or Tomlinson but is it really worth it? Are there really that many left? I have no clue. And when it comes to buying a box from ebay, how can you tell hobby from retail if it isn't stated or is that usually how to tell?


  • I am sure there are alot of both still unopened, as far as Hobby or retail Unles it says I would assume it is retail. However many sets are Hobby only SP authentic is one of those.
  • GootGoot Posts: 3,496
    Hobby also has a little circular H logo that's black and white.
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