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Items in bold are what I have. Items in regular font face are what I want.
For now, I just need one coin per emperor, bronze or silver. I am using the Littleton Coins of the Ancient Roman Empire album as a stepping stone into my Roman coin collection, at least for the first year or two, I think. When and if this album ever nears completion, I may branch out into my own custom album to include empresses and other rulers and personalities not listed here.

Numbers in parentheses at the end are AE (bronze) rarity and AR (silver) rarity, respectively, according to the Dirty Old Coins LLC database. I would imagine these rarity ratings do not apply to provincial coinage. When a provincial issue represents an opportunity to get a portrait of a particular ruler for a significant savings over what the homeland issue would cost, I will probably go for it. I have marked provincial coins currently in my collection with an asterisk (*).

While a coin struck during a particular emperor's reign as Augustus is preferable to "as Caesar" issues struck before he became full emperor, anything goes at this point. "As Caesar" or posthumous issues are acceptable to me, since this is primarily a portrait set.

My first criterion is a nice portrait, the second is a clear obverse legend with as much of the emperor's name readable as possible. Unusual or interesting reverse designs are nice and if they appeal to me, I will pay a small premium for them, but this is mostly a portrait type set so those first two criteria are the only big ones.

Eventually I will add hyperlinks to pictures of the coins I have, but imaging them all is going to take a while.

001 Augustus, 27 BC – 14 AD (4/6)
002 Agrippa (friend of Augustus) (5/-)
003 Tiberius, 14-37 (6/6)
004 Drusus (son of Tiberius) (4/-)
005 Nero Claudius Drusus (brother of Tiberius) (7/8)
006 Germanicus (nephew of Tiberius) (4/-)
007 Nero and Drusus (sons of Germanicus) (6/-)
008 Caligula, 37-41 (5/8)
009 Claudius, 41-54 (3/8)
010 Nero, 54-68 (5/6)
011 Galba, 68-69 (6/6)
012 Otho, 69 (-/6)
013 Vitellius, 69 (7/5)
014 Vespasian, 69-79 (5/4)
015 Titus, 79-81 (6/5)
016 Domitian, 81-96 (4/3)
017 Nerva, 96-98 (4/3)
018 Trajan, 98-117 (3/3)
019 Hadrian, 117-138 (3/3)
020 Aelius, 136-138 (6/6)
021 Antoninus Pius (3/3)
022 Marcus Aurelius, 161-180 (3/3)
023 Lucius Verus, 161-169 (5/4)
024 Commodus, 177-192 (4/3)
025 Clodius Albinus, 195-197 (unlisted in DOC database)
026 Septimius Severus, 193-211 (6/3)
027 Caracalla, 198-217 (6//3)
028 Geta, 209-212 (7/3)
029 Macrinus, 217-218 (7*/5)
030 Diadumenian, 218 (7/6)
031 Elagabalus, 218-222 (6/3)
032 Severus Alexander, 222-235 (5/3)
033 Maximinus, 235-238 (4/4)
034 Maximus, 235-238 (5/6)
035 Gordian I, 238 (7/7)
036 Gordian II, 238 (7/7)
037 Balbinus, 238 (6/6)
038 Pupienus, 238 (6/6)
039 Gordian III, 238-244 (4/2)
040 Philip I, 244-249 (4/3)
041 Philip II, 247-249 (4/3)
042 Trajan Decius, 249-251 (4/3)
043 Herennius Etruscus, 251 (4/4)
044 Hostilian, 251 (7*/6)
045 Trebonianus Gallus, 251-253 (4/3)
046 Volusian, 251-253 (4/4)
047 Aemilian, 253 (8/6)
048 Valerian I, 253-260 (4/3)
049 Gallienus, 260-268 (2/-)
050 Valerian II, 256-258 (5/4)
051 Saloninus, 260 (5/5)
052 Macrianus (c.260-261, usurper) (5/-)
053 Quietus (c.260-261, usurper) (5/-)
054 Postumus (c.260-269, usurper) (4/3)
055 Laelianus (c.269, usurper) (7/-)
056 Marius (c.269, usurper) (6/-)
057 Victorinus (c.269-271, usurper) (3)
058 Tetricus I (271-274, usurper) (3 /-)
059 Tetricus II (c.273-274, usurper) (3/-)
060 Claudius II, 268-270 (2/-)
061 Quintillus, 270 (4/-)
062 Aurelian, 270-275 (2/-)
063 Vabalathus (c.271-272, usurper) (5/-)
064 Tacitus, 275-276 (3/-)
065 Florian, 276 (4/-)
066 Probus, 276-282 (2/-)
067 Carus, 282-283 (3/-)
068 Numerian, 283-284 (3/-)
069 Carinus, 283-285 (3/-)
070 Julian of Pannonia (c.284, usurper) (9/-)
071 Diocletian, 284-305 (2/6)
072 Maximianus, 286-305, 306-308 & 310 (3/6)
073 Carausius (287-293, usurper) (4/7)
074 Allectus (293-296, usurper) (5/-)
075 Constantius I, 305-306 (3/6)
076 Galerius, 305-311 (3/6)
077 Severus II, 306-307 (5/8)
078 Maximinus II, 309-313 (3/6)
079 Maxentius, 306-312 (3/6)
080 Romulus (son of Maxentius) (5/-)
081 Licinius, 308-324 (1/8)
082 Licinius II, 317-324 (1/-)
083 Constantine I, 307-337 (1/7)
084 Crispus, 316-324 (1/8)
085 Delmatius, 335-337 (4/8)
086 Hanniballianus, 335-337 (7/9)
087 Constantine II, 337-340 (1/7)
088 Constans, 337-350 (1/6)
089 Constantius II, 337-361 (1/6)
090 Magnentius, 350-353 (3/6)
091 Decentius, 351-353 (3/6)
092 Vetranio (350, usurper) (6/8)
093 Constantius Gallus, 351-354 (1/6)
094 Julian II, 360-363 (2/6)
095 Jovian, 363-364 (2/6)
096 Valentinian I, 364-375 (1/6)
097 Valens, 364-378 (1/6)
098 Procopius (365-366, usurper) (4/7)
099 Gratian, 367-383 (1/6)
100 Valentinian II, 375-392 (1/6)
101 Theodosius I, 379-395 (1/6)
102 Magnus Maximus (383-388, usurper) (4/6)
103 Flavius Victor (387-388, usurper) (6/8)
104 Eugenius, 392-394 (6/7)
105 Arcadius, 383-407 (East) (1/6)
106 Honorius, 394-423 (1/6)
107 Constantine III (407-411, usurper) (9/8)
108 Priscus Attalus, 409-410 & 414-415 (9/8)
109 Constantius III, 421 (-/9)
110 Johannes, 423-425 (6/8)
111 Theodosius II, 402-450 (East) (3/6)
112 Valentinian III, 425-455 (5/8)
113 Leo I, 457-474 (East) (5/8)
114 Leo II, 473-474 (East) (9/-)
115 Majorian, 457-461 (7/8)
116 Severus III, 461-465 (7/8)
117 Anthemius, 467-472 (8/8)
118 Zeno, 474-491 (East) (5/7/AV)
119 Basiliscus (and Marcus), 475-476 (East) (7/-)
120 Anastasius, 491-518 (East) (3/7)

Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.


  • SYRACUSIANSYRACUSIAN Posts: 6,452 ✭✭✭✭
    Items in bold are what I have. Items in regular font face are what I want.

    If you wanted to be scholar, you should have noted that east refers to Byzantine Empire, and I really don't understand why Constantinople's rulers have to be mixed with Romans. Other than that, good luck. image



    DPOTD 3
  • English Milled & Hammered and World coins for sale. You can either browse all items by category or do an advanced search to find specific items.

    Hope you find something of interest and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

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  • 1960NYGiants1960NYGiants Posts: 3,476 ✭✭✭✭
    Modern World Crowns - Sports Theme 30% off Krause

    World Cup Soccer
    1. Afghanistan (1986) KM1009, World Cup Soccer – Mexico, Krause $32, sale $22.40
    2. Afghanistan 1992 KM1022, World Cup Soccer – USA, Krause $45, sale $31.50
    3. Barbados 1994 KM54, World Cup Soccer – USA, Krause $37.50, sale $26.25
    4. Belize 1994 KM123, World Cup Soccer – USA, Krause $45, sale $31.50
    5. Bhutan 1992 KM72, World Cup Soccer – USA, Krause $27.50 sale $19.25
    6. Bulgaria 1989 KM187, World Cup Soccer – Italy, Krause $25 sale $17.50
    7. Bulgaria 1990 KM191, World Cup Soccer – Italy, Krause $22.50 sale $15.75
    8. China 1989 KM243, World Cup Soccer – Italy, Krause $25 sale $17.50
    9. Congo 1992 KM11, World Cup Soccer – USA, Krause $25 sale $17.50
    10. Gambia 1994 KM35, World Cup Soccer – USA, Krause $30 sale $21
    11. Gambia 1996 KM51, World Cup Soccer – France, Krause $40 sale $28
    12. Haiti 1977 KM127, World Cup Soccer – Argentina, Krause $25 sale $17.50
    13. Jamaica 1990 KM142, World Cup Soccer – Italy, Krause $30 sale $21
    14. Kiribati 1993 KM15, World Cup Soccer – USA, Krause $32.50 sale $22.75
    15. Laos 1988 KM33, World Cup Soccer – Mexico, Krause $26.50 sale $18.55
    16. Laos 1989 KM34, World Cup Soccer – Italy, Krause $26.50 sale $18.55
    17. Laos 1991 KM44, World Cup Soccer – USA, Krause $27.50 sale $19.25
    18. Nepal 1992 KM1069, World Cup Soccer – USA, Krause $28.50 sale $19.95
    19. Panama 1982 KM77, World Cup Soccer – Spain, Krause $40 sale $28
    20. Panama 1982 KM78, World Cup Soccer – Spain, Krause $47.50 sale $33.25
    21. Poland 1989 KM224, World Cup Soccer – Italy, Krause $35 sale $24.50
    22. Saharawi 1991 KM5, World Cup Soccer – USA, Krause $32.50 sale $22.75
    23. Saint Thomas 1990 KM44, World Cup Soccer – Italy, Krause $30 sale $21
    24. Saint Thomas 1990 KM45, World Cup Soccer – Italy, Krause $30 sale $21
    25. Turks & Caicos 1982 KM56, World Cup Soccer – Spain, Krause $18.50 sale $12.95
    26. Turks & Caicos 1982 KM57, World Cup Soccer – Spain, Krause $18.50 sale $12.95

    27. Andorra 1988 KM48, Olympics Rings – Barcelona, Krause $35, sale $24.50
    28. Andorra 1994 KM95, Olympics Cycling - Atlanta, Krause $27.50, sale $19.25
    29. Austria 1974 KM2928, Olympics Skiing – Innsbruck, Krause $10, sale $7
    30. Bermuda 1992 KM85, Olympics Sailing – USA, Krause $50, sale $35
    31. Bhutan 1994 KM73, Olympics Basketball – USA, Krause $25 sale $17.50
    32. Bhutan 1992 KM74, Olympics Skating – Albertville, Krause $22.50 sale $15.75
    33. Bhutan 1992 KM76, Olympics Archery – Barcelona, Krause $18.50 sale $12.95
    34. Bhutan 1993 KM79, Olympics Soccer – USA, Krause $25 sale $17.50
    35. Bulgaria 1989 KM190, Olympics Skating – Albertville, Krause $16.50 sale $11.55
    36. China 1991 KM367, Olympics Skiing – Albertville, Krause $25 sale $17.50
    37. Djibouti 1994 KM30, Olympics Running - Atlanta, Krause $37.50, sale $26.25
    38. Gambia 1993 KM33, Olympics Wrestling - Atlanta, Krause $22.50, sale $15.75
    39. Mexico 1968 KM479.1, Olympics – Mexico, Krause $5.50 sale $3.85
    40. Nepal (1992) KM1058, Olympics Boxing – Barcelona, Krause $17.50 sale $12.25
    41. Nepal 1994 KM1066, Olympics Skiing – Albertville, Krause $22.50, sale $15.75
    42. Saint Thomas 1992 KM74, Olympics Swimming – Barcelona, Krause $27.50 sale $19.25
    43. Samoa 1991 KM82, Olympics Shot Put – Barcelona, Krause $12.50 sale $8.75
    44. Spain 1990 KM862, Olympics Soccer – Barcelona, Krause $20 sale $14
    45. Ukraine 1998 KM44, Olympics Skiing – Nagano, Krause $40 sale $28
    46. Ukraine 1998 KM44, Olympics Skating – Nagano, Krause $40 sale $28
    47. Yugoslavia 1983 KM102, Olympics Ski Jumping – Sarajevo, Krause $13.50 sale $9.45

    Other Sporting Events
    48. Jamaica 1966 KM40, Commonwealth Games, Krause $5 sale $3.50
    49. Panama 1970 KM28, Pan American Games, Krause $9 sale $6.30


    Life member #369 of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
    Member of Canadian Association of Token Collectors

    Collector of:
    Canadian coins and pre-confederation tokens
    Darkside proof/mint sets dated 1960
    My Ebay
  • wybritwybrit Posts: 6,961 ✭✭✭
    Brit pennies, still some good dates left, including 1912H, MS64RB and 1919H, MS64BN. Definitely not at giveaway prices, but offers considered (see my ebay store).
    Former owner, Cambridge Gate collection.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,471 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>If you wanted to be scholar, you should have noted that east refers to Byzantine Empire, and I really don't understand why Constantinople's rulers have to be mixed with Romans. Other than that, good luck. >>

    Tell it to the folks at Littleton who created the album.

    Since there were both Western and Eastern empires running concurrently for a time before the fall of the West, I have seen some folks continue it this way up until the fall of Rome in 476 and the abdication of Romulus Augustus (or Romulus Augustulus, if you prefer).

    After 476, issues from the East are considered Byzantine. Prior to that, they're "Eastern Roman". At least, as I understand it, and as it has been viewed by others.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • DoogyDoogy Posts: 4,508
    i've got a few here that are reduced, before they make their way to the 'bay. pricing includes US shipping for forum members, and payment by Paypal preferred.

    1897 Swede beauty, nice PL look to it and would probably grade MS63-ish

    $ 28.00


    '72 Canada toner, graded SP67 by NGC. stunning reverse, mostly white obverse

    $ 32.00


    nice 1886P NGC MS63 Morgan, 2 sided champagne colored toning

    $ 30.00


    1915 German 1 Mark (raw); this one is just as nice as the NGC MS67 that i sold to a forum member recently. In addtion, this one has striking and colorful toning similar to the previously noted Canadian dollar. Yellows and purple tone highlight this beauty. a sweet looking Mark! (sorry about the photos; bad photographer + 2x2 flip reflection = poor picture)

    $ 38.00


    1873A France 5 Franc, beautiful design and graded NGC MS64. The obverse field has some die polishing lines, as do many in this series.

    $ 80.00


    '32-M Mexican Peso, graded MS64 by ANACS, a sharply struck and lusterous coin!

    $ 23.00




  • pendragon1998pendragon1998 Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭
    I'm still looking to buy NGC or PCGS-graded MS69 Silver Britannias - dates needed are listed in my signature. If you've got one, cough it up! image
  • DoogyDoogy Posts: 4,508
    Looking to buy or trade for the following: Queen Victoria British Crowns, 1887-1900. Prefer AU and up, raw is fine (without problems), slabbed is preferred and original skin/toning is much preferred. I'll buy outright or trade for slabbed or raw coins from my collection. Please let me know if you have any of these that you're willing to send to a good home!

  • laurentyvanlaurentyvan Posts: 4,243 ✭✭✭
    Some Egyptian, Polish, Italian, Belgium, Hungarian, Indian, etc.,: some moderately-priced coins.eBay coins
    One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
    is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
  • AethelredAethelred Posts: 9,288 ✭✭✭
    I have several British coins listed on eBay.
    If you are in the Western North Carolina area, please consider visiting our coin shop:

    WNC Coins, LLC
    1987-C Hendersonville Road
    Asheville, NC 28803

  • StrikeOutXXXStrikeOutXXX Posts: 3,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Few misc things - prices are shipped to the US. Check or money order.

    1976? Pobjoy Mint Death of Field Marshal Visc. Montgomery of Alamein in case - $25

    1948 Candian Dime - $7.00

    Lucky Lindbergh Token - $8.00

    4 Ireland Coins. Bid on these at coin club auction because I remember someone wanting Ireland coins and I had no idea what they were worth at that second. Probably bid too much, but this is cost plus a few bucks to ship - best I can do - $9.00

    1963 1-penny, 1959 Farthing, 1963 6-pence, 1953 1/2 Penny all unc.

    State souvenir tokens - Hawaii & Alaska - $5.00 each, or both for $9.00


    "You Suck Award" - February, 2015

    Discoverer of 1919 Mercury Dime DDO - FS-101
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