Help with ace 250

I designate the 250 for coins only and when I read something it tells me it's a 25cent piece. When I dig it, it turns out to be junk metal. Happens all the time. Can somebody with an ace 250 give me some suggestions? I should add that I turn the power down to half when searching.
Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
They are called "artifacts"
Menomonee Falls Wisconsin USA">Musky 1861 Mint Set
You have to think, its only reading metal content, if anything has a smiliar metal content, its going to think (or show) its a quarter. I havent ever had any problems with mine. Ive pulled a badge at 8in, and a wierd FORD part (probably from a Model T or something) at around 10in. I couldnt believe it, and when it kept going off, I was going to quit digging for fear of hitting lines, but sifted through the sand with my hands and found it.
Bottom line... the thing works... you just have to figure it out.
Remember that the ID meter of a detector is not going to be absolutely accurate all the time. It is just not possible. Rather, the meter readings are the detector making an "educated guess" about the possible identity of a target.
This information is good to have, and it's better than no information, but remember to always take it with a healthy grain of salt, so to speak.