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Persons who buy and sell on Ebay

For those of you that do both buying and selling on Ebay on a regular basis, these questions are for you:
1. Do you wait for a buyer to leave feedback before leaving it for them when you are selling?
2. Is the reason we wait for a buyer to leave feedback 1st, so that we still have leverage if they are unhappy with the purchased item?

There are simply put, 2 agreements made for every successful auction. 1. Buyer will pay stated amount in stated time period and 2. Seller will transfer item(s) to buyer upon receipt of money. I am a very equally active buyer and seller on Ebay and have just recently began to hold up leaving feedback to buyers on certain transactions, although I really can't justify this practice in my own mind. And at the same time, I get a little p/o'd when a seller emails me and says "please leave positive feedback after receiving your item, and then I will do the same for you". If the buyer has paid, then they have performed everything they need to. I guess I'm just looking for someone to truly justify this to me.


  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭
    As a seller I will always leave feedback once the buyer has made payment. Others will wait until they have received feedback. I am always glad to receive feedback first as a buyer, when I make my payment.
  • I do the same as stingray.Once the payment has been made.I leave feedback.When I buy i leave feedback as soon as I get the card or what ever I am buying.
  • WondoWondo Posts: 2,916 ✭✭✭
    I batch feedback probably once a week on anything that has been paid for. I do not even look to see who hasn't left feedback for me. image

  • envoy98envoy98 Posts: 4,000 ✭✭
    as a buyer I leave it once the item has arrived in satisfactory condition. This also helps me keep track of the items I have and have not received.

    As a seller, I usually do it once every few weeks, but if I happen to notice my feedback total go up, I'll see who left feedback and immediately reciprocate if I haven't done so already. I do make a point to withhold feedback for a while from buyers who seem to have a penchant for leaving negs, have low feedback or who are asking me if I mailed their card out yet 2 days after the auction ended. Seems those are the people I have trouble with the most often. For guys I've dealt with before, I usually make a point to leave feedback right away if I'm on there anyway and I see they've paid while I'm surfing.

    So the long and short of it is, I have no real rhyme or reason to when or how I leave it for buyers. image
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭

    What happens if after the buyer pays and gets the card he is unhappy with it? Seems to me that their is more then simply 2 agreements between the buy and sell.

    If the buyer has paid, then they have performed everything they need to.

    No, imo they need to accept the item.
    Good for you.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    EBAY is now flooded with psycho/scamster buyers.

    MANY try to extort "partial refunds," in exchange
    for not leaving sellers a NEG. MANY lie about items
    not received, and file false PayPal/Credit-Card

    If the good buyers want to exchange FB with me, fine.
    They leave FB and I reciprocate immediately.

    When I buy something, I leave FB when I receive it.
    The sellers usually reciprocate; if not, I do not care.

    FB is alot more important to folks who are just getting
    started than it is to folks who already have lots of it.

    The safe policy for sellers is to leave FB after it has been
    left by the buyer.

    NOTE: For many years, until late-2006, I always left FB
    when an item was paid for. When EBAY's demographics
    changed, I changed my policy.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • I buy and sell...and I'm a hypocrite.

    As a buyer, I want my positive feedback after I've paid. In a perfect world, that's how it'd be. But if I don't get it, I will still leave positive feedback for the seller after I receive the item...but only if EVERYTHING was perfect: Shipping charges, packaging, time, etc. Nine times out of ten, the seller gives me feedback back.

    As a seller, I don't give feedback until the buyer does. I've had too many instances (and heard even more) of the seller leaving feedback and then the buyer getting cute and wanting a refund while threatening negative feedback. I'd say seven out of ten times the buyer leaves me feedback, and I immediately do the same for them.
  • What happens if after the buyer pays and gets the card he is unhappy with it? Seems to me that their is more then simply 2 agreements between the buy and sell.

    No, imo they need to accept the item.

    Why do they need to accept the item? If they paid in an accepted currency, then the seller received everything he/she is entitled to receive. However, if the buyer received a product that was significantly different in terms of condition from what they felt they were bidding on, then they did not get what they were entitled to.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "However, if the buyer received a product that was significantly different
    in terms of condition from what they felt they were bidding on, then they
    did not get what they were entitled to. "


    Don't confuse the issue of customer-satisfaction, with
    the issue of who leaves FB first.

    If the customer is not satisfied for a legitimate reason -
    one for which the seller is responsible - the seller should
    try to fix the problem. That has nothing to do with who
    leaves FB first.

    Once the buyer is satisfied, he can leave FB if he chooses
    to do so. The seller can then reciprocate promptly.

    The notion that tons of sellers are withholding FB in
    order to leave retaliatory NEGs is simply untrue. MOST
    sellers will eat a deserved NEG, apologize in their reply,
    and move on.

    Buyers are in no way damaged by NEGs. They can buy
    forever with ZERO FB, or with multiple NEGs. Sellers
    live/die by their FB.

    Of course, no one should EVER buy anything on their
    primary selling account, unless they already know the
    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • I usually want the buyer to acknowlege that they have received the item and they are satisfied. They then get positive feedback whether they leave feedback or not. This lets me address any problems they might have and correct them.
    As a buyer I do the reverse. I let the seller know I received the item and am satisfied. They get feedback when I do.
    I know it sounds like feedback extortion but there are a lot wack-a-dos out there.

  • <<If the good buyers want to exchange FB with me, fine.
    They leave FB and I reciprocate immediately.

    When I buy something, I leave FB when I receive it.
    The sellers usually reciprocate; if not, I do not care.>>>

    I could not have said it any better than Storm. I would add one caveat and that is if I know the buyer and we have established a good working relationship, I don't mind leaving feedback as soon as I am paid for an item. But this is the exception.
    Mark B.

    Seeking primarily PSA graded pre-war "type" cards

    My PSA Registry Sets

    34 Goudey, 75 Topps Mini, Hall of Fame Complete Set, 1985 Topps Tiffany, Hall of Fame Players Complete Set
  • I have an aotumatic feedback system that leaves feedback for me when I recieve it. A buyers obligation is not over when they simply make payment. There are many things that can still go wrong at this point. Leaving feedback first opens that door up even wider.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "I know it sounds like feedback extortion but there are a lot wack-a-dos out there."



    AND, because there are about

    300M world-wide buyers


    3M sellers.............

    simple math tells us that MOST of the wack-a-dos are BUYERS.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • jskirwinjskirwin Posts: 700 ✭✭✭
    As a buyer I leave feedback after I'm satisfied with my purchase.
    As a seller I leave feedback after the buyer leaves feedback, thereby indicating that he's satisfied with his purchase.
  • My question is why is feedback that important? Last time I checked Ebay was for buying items not feedback. The system I use leaves feedback when I get it, if they don't want to leave it so be it.
  • ajwajw Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭

    << <i>My question is why is feedback that important? Last time I checked Ebay was for buying items not feedback. The system I use leaves feedback when I get it, if they don't want to leave it so be it. >>

    If feedback isn't important, why do you wait to receive it before leaving your own?
  • What difference does that make? I have an automated system that leaves it when I recieve it. I do not feel a buyer has fulfilled the transaction by merely paying. Read what Ebay says about feedback, it clearly says it should be left AFTER the transaction is completed.

    I do not care if I recieve it at all though.

    I think this says it best

    FB is alot more important to folks who are just getting started than those who have alot already
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    "However, if the buyer received a product that was significantly different

    Thus they will not accept it.

    Hence the transaction is not completed simply by payment being made.

    Good for you.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    As a buyer, I demand that feedback be left immediately upon payment. If the seller doesn't do so, I email him every 15 minutes and command him to do so. Then when the card comes, I tell him I'm not happy with it and that he needs to send a replacement immediately or a negative will be left.

    As a seller, I wait for delivery to be confirmed then demand the buyer leave positive feedback immediately, and email every 15 minutes as a reminder. Once they do that, the transaction is over for me. I don't have time to leave feedback for everyone.

  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭

    Lee, please stop e-mailing me.
  • I use to always leave feedback first but it bacame the norm that I was leaving 10 and only get 2 or 3. Ebay feedback system is a joke anyway. I don't even mess with leaving immediate feedback anymore. If someone leaves me feedback and I'm satisfied with the transaction I gladly leave them feedback also.
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    I usually leave feedback in large groups, with some items getting feedback a up to a month after a transaction. It's just easier for me to leave it in bunches once rather than logging in every day and doing it. Usually after leaving 50 ffedbacks or so in one day, my feedback will be 20-30 points higher the next day.

    I'm amazed that people have the time to regularly check and see who has left feedback for them and who hasn't, then reciprocate immediately. Even if I had only 1 or 2 transactions per day I wouldn't do that.

  • Lee, you totally crack me up. LOL

    Personally I leave feedback when the transaction is complete, meaning, 1. payment is received, 2. item is shipped and tracked, 3. item is delivered, 4. customer acknowledges receipt of payment. 5. feedback is left, and hopefully reciprocated. Sometimes they leave feedback for me first, naturally I reply right away.
  • envoy98envoy98 Posts: 4,000 ✭✭

    << <i>As a buyer, I demand that feedback be left immediately upon payment. If the seller doesn't do so, I email him every 15 minutes and command him to do so. Then when the card comes, I tell him I'm not happy with it and that he needs to send a replacement immediately or a negative will be left.

    As a seller, I wait for delivery to be confirmed then demand the buyer leave positive feedback immediately, and email every 15 minutes as a reminder. Once they do that, the transaction is over for me. I don't have time to leave feedback for everyone.

    Lee >>

    You crack me up!

  • GOODLIEUGOODLIEU Posts: 629 ✭✭
    Who cares. Feedback is overrated anyway. My concern as a buyer is to get my item with the least amount of hassle. I only worry about what I can control which is my Feedback. What the seller does with his feedback does not bother me in the least.
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